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3.1 Tools for Grid-Integration Study of Wind Power 风电并网研究的主要工具 Power System Analysis Software Package,PSASP 电力系统分析综合程序 A composited tool for power system analysis, developed by China EPRI. 综合性电力系统分析软件,由中国电力科学研究院开发。 Widely used in Power System Analysis 广泛应用于中国的电力系统分析 Several models of wind turbines are internal included, and user defined model is supported. 内置了常用类型风电机组模型,具备用户自定义模型的功能 3.1 Tools for Grid-Integration Study of Wind Power 风电并网研究的主要工具 PSD(Power System Department) Tools 电力系统分析软件包 Another composited tool for power system analysis, developed by China EPRI based on BPA program. 综合性电力系统分析软件,由中国电力科学研究院基于BPA开发。 Widely used in Power System Analysis in China 广泛应用于中国的电力系统分析 Several models of wind turbines are internal included, user defined model is not supported. 内置了常用类型风电机组模型,不支持用户自定义模型的功能 3.1 Tools for Grid-Integration Study of Wind Power 风电并网研究的主要工具 PowerFactory, (DIgSLIENT GmbH, Germany) Worldwide used composited platform for power system analysis and research. 世界范围内广泛使用的综合性电力系统分析和研究平台。 Different kinds of models for renewable generation such as wind turbine, PV system and energy storage system. 提供了多种新能源发电系统模型,如风电、光伏发电、储能系统等。 Powerful user defined model tools through DSL Language. 通过DSL语言,实现了较为强大的自定义模型功能 Not compatible with data format of PSASP and PSD Tools 与PSASP和PSD Tools数据格式不兼容 3.2 Models of Wind Turbines 风电机组并网分析模型 Wind Turbine Models in PSASP and PSD-BPA Model for Induction Asynchronous Wind Turbine (Type I) 定桨距鼠笼式感应异步风机的模型 Just the same as conventional induction generators 与传统异步发电机模型相同 3.2 Models of Wind Turbines 风电机组并网分析模型 Wind Turbine Models in PSASP and PSD-BPA A Common Models for Both DFIG and PMSG (Type III Type IV) 一种双馈/直驱风电机组通用模型 Based on GE Wind turbine model. (基于GE风电机组模型) A controllable current source is used to model the generator and converter.采用受控电流源描述机网接口 The Model of PWM converter and protection system is simplified. 对PMW变换器、保护系统模型进行了简化 3.2 Models of Wind Turbines 风电机组并网分析模型 Wind Turbine Models in PowerFactory Model for


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