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临床常用的抗炎保肝药物 临床常用的抗炎保肝药物 修复受损肝细胞 保护细胞骨架 提高Na+-K+ATP酶活性 抗炎症介质、细胞因子 磷脂酰胆碱 硫普罗宁 甘草制剂 腺苷蛋氨酸 还原型谷胱甘肽 增加膜的流动性 门冬氨酸鸟氨酸 单纯降酶?退黄?仅仅改善指标是不够的 保肝治疗的根源 门冬氨酸 鸟氨酸 瑞甘的主要成分为门冬氨酸鸟氨酸,是门冬氨酸和鸟氨酸通过离子键相互结合的稳定化合物。 瑞甘?——全面保护肝脏,根源修复肝细胞 瑞甘?作用机理 瑞甘,根源解除肝脏问题 瑞甘?在各种肝脏疾病治疗中的应用 瑞甘?在各种肝脏疾病治疗中的应用 1.治疗高GGT慢性肝病患者的疗效显著 2.有效降低黄疸型肝炎患者的血清总胆红素 3.显著改善慢性乙肝患者的临床症状 4.能促进患者肌肉蛋白合成 * 从病因上来说,引起肝纤维化的因素有很多,包括病毒、酒精、肥胖、药物和自身免疫等等。 * * 当然,慢性肝病的治疗中,病因治疗如抗病毒治疗是最基本的,大家也非常重视,对抗炎保肝治疗也比较注重,然而对于抗肝纤维的治疗则普遍不太重视,当然也因为抗肝纤维化长期以来缺乏有效的治疗方法。 * CD4细胞是人体免疫系统中的一种重要免疫细胞,CD4 主要表达于辅助T(Th)细胞,是Th细胞TCR识别抗原的供受体,与MHCⅡ类分子的非多肽区结合,参与Th细胞TCR识别抗原的信号转导 CTL:细胞毒T淋巴细胞 NK:自然杀伤细胞 NKT:NKT(netural killer T)细胞是一群细胞表面既有T细胞受体TCR,又有NK细胞受体的特殊T细胞亚群。[ PMN:中性粒白细胞 * * This slide is animated We all know uncontrolled viral replication with no or ineffective treatment leads to progression to cirrhosis in CHB. And suppression of HBV DNA to undetectable level is associated with histological and clinical improvement. Since resistance is driven by viral replication, continued suppression of HBV replication is important in minimising the emergence of viral resistance. Here I would like to point out the importance of long-term HBV DNA suppression, with the possibility of liver fibrosis reversal. Now there is a large body of evidence from epidemiological studies demonstrating that persistently elevated HBV DNA levels directly correlate with the risk of liver disease progression and hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, Potent and durable virologic suppression is important to elicit histological improvement. Which will hopefully lead to the prevention of disease progression and improved liver histology are among the ultimate goals of CHB therapy and are recommended as such by treatment guidelines. * NOTE: During discussion, mention that not all chronic liver disease leads to death. HCC follows in 5-10% of CHB patients. Cirrhosis follow in 30% of CHB patients with 23% of these patients progressing to liver failure within 5 years. Death from chronic liv


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