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六年级英语素养听力竞赛试卷 (总分100) 班级 姓名 得分 听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。每小题读两遍。(10分) ( )1、A.46kg B.48kg C.36kg ( ) 2.A.watched TV B. washed the clothes C. cleaned the room ( ) 3.A.rode a horse B. rode a bike C. read a book ( ) 4.A.gyms B. cinema C. computers ( ) 5.A.badminton B. football C. basketball ( ) 6.A.yesterday afternoon B. yesterday C.in the afternoon ( ) 7.A.before B. bought C. broken ( ) 8.A.laughed B. longer C. lower ( ) 9.A.had a cold B. rode a bike C. hurt my foot ( ) 10.A.Internet B. different C. thought 二、听问句,选答语,每小题读两遍。(20分) (?? )1.? A. I like swimming. B. My favourite food is fish.? ???? C. I like bananas (? ? )2.? A. He is forty years old B. He is sixty kg. ?C. He is 172 cm. (? ? )3.? A.I am going to go fishing.?? B. I want to be a policeman.???? C. I am going to be sad. (?? )4.? A.I do my homework at home.?? B. I was at home.????????????? C.I went shopping. (?? )5.? A. He is a student. B. He is my brother???????? C. He works in a hospital. ( ) 6.? A.?He?lives?in?London.? B.?He’s?from?London.?? ? C.?He?speaks?English.??? ( ?) 7. A.?It’s?025? B.?15?Hunan?Road,? ?C.?It’s?liutao@.??? ( ?) 8. ?A.?It’s?Wednesday.? B.?It’s?the?17th?of?May.?? ? C.?It’s?sunny.??? (? ) 9. A.?Yes,?I?am. ?B.?Yes,?this?is?Jim.??? C.?I?am?Jim.??? (? ) 10.A.?Mine?is.? B.?It’s?you.? C.?Yes,?it’s?yours. 三、听录音,在表格的相应位置打勾,录音读两遍。(10分) Mary Tim Sarah John Jenny 四、听短文,将下列表格填写完整,短文读三遍。(16分) Name Age Height Weight Hobby Sarah Amy 五、听短文,判断判断句子正误。短文读三遍。(10分) ( )1.Lily is from Canada. ( )2.Iam taller than Lily. ( )3.Lily’s father is 1.65m tall. ( )4.They went boating last weekend. ( )5.They are going to China by train. 六、听录音,根据所听内容,选择合适的答案。?短文读两遍。?(20分)? (A) ( )1. Where are the Chinese paintings? A. On the wall. B. In the bookcase. C. Behind the door. ( )2. What can you see on the computer desk? A. A comp


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