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马来西亚的传统医药发展现况 Malaysian Traditional Medicine Current Profession Status 廖春华 廖德顺 马来西亚管理与科技大学 中医药学院 Management and Science 马来西亚国际传统医研究院 International Traditional Physicians Academy Malaysia ? (ITPAM) 中图分类号:R092 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1818-0086(2010)04 摘 要:此文简述马来西亚中医药发展之历史以及中医药对马来西亚三大民族的伟大贡献。目前国家对中医药的政策如何将中医药融入国家的健康体系,如何将中医药纳入国家高等教育的范畴,如何通过教育、研究和培训达到提升中医药质量和水平的目的,如何加强国际间的合作,最终使马来西亚建立起多元化的保健/健康网络,以造福更多的医药从业者及民众,并朝向中医现代化及中西医学结合之途前进。 Abstract:This papers gives an overview on the history of the Malaysian Chinese medical profession and its significant contribution to the three major ethnical groups in the country.The Ministry of Health Malaysia has established a National Policy on Traditional Complementary Medicine (T/CM) including Chinese medicine. The general objective of the national policy on T/CM is to ensure that safe, quality T/CM practices and products are made available to the public and to facilitate the integration of T/CM into the national healthcare system. The specific objectives are divided into four main components, namely practices, training, product and research. The increasing development in the private sector and the government of Malaysia, which are working together as well as many parts of the world and; a greater reliance on the sharing of evidence-based medicine and the knowledge of T/CM shall be benefited through regional and international cooperation with other T/CM centres. This is accomplished via seminars, workshops and other activities, as well as the establishment of Referral Centres, with networking facilities for the practice, training, education, products research and development of T/CM. Finally, this will benefit all the practitioners, the public and the Malaysian government as well. 马来西亚作为一个新興国家,在政府英明领导下,各行各业欣欣向荣。尤其历届卫生部长,走在世界潮流前端,把传统医药纳入国家医疗保健系统,首先在九十年代注册及管制传统药物,为广大民众提供品质安全、卫生有效的传统药物。近几十年来,传统医学对马来西亚的卫生保健的功效功不可没。由于在全球范围内对于天然卫生保健的兴趣和需求的增长以及传统医学和辅助医学的盛行,因而迫切需要一个发展传统医学和辅助医学的新方式。世界卫生组织鼓励其成员国支持传统医学和辅助医学并进行持续性评估,制定适合于本国具体医疗制度的政策法规。马来西亚卫生部对传统医学和辅


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