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陈列原则 Basic Merchandising Rules By category Zoning Consistent lines Balance Column display Color Double display Cross merchandising 系列 区域 线的一致性 平衡 列的陈列 色彩 重复出样 搭配陈列 Women’s 女子系列 Men’s 男子系列 Sports 运动系列 Apparel display principle: display the same category in same wall and H fixture 服装系列(化)陈列准则: 墙面及中岛器架的每一陈列面应展示相同系列的产品. By category / 系列 (服装) DISPLAY 陈列区 IMPULSE 冲击区 CAPACITY 容量区 Display Location: top 40% of presentation. Product type: collection apparel statement pieces. Compliment with key footwear and accessories to support the collection. Impulse Location: eye level, mid section, 10%of presentation. Product type: related products to encourage add-on sales including footwear, equipment, socks, caps, folded items. Capacity Location: bottom 50% of presentation. Product type: capacity and display related products. 陈列区 位置: 板墙的上部40% 产品类型: 主打服装,搭配主打鞋子和配件陈列 冲击区 位置: 视平线,占整个陈列的10% 产品类型: 增进附加销售的相关产品, 包括鞋,服装,袜子,包和帽子. 容量区 位置: 板墙下方50% 产品类型: 在陈列区陈列的产品 Zoning /区域 Consistent lines/线的一致性 Define the lines to be used throughout all wall presentations. Use a consistent line through the presentation. This adds focus for the customer to better understand the product story being merchandised. 所有的陈列都要有这样的统一的线, 尤其顶部的天线必须保持水平, 达到整齐划一的视觉效果. 中间的水平线是吸引消费者眼光的最佳位置, 并能够让消费者更好的理解陈列产品的故事性. BALANCE/平衡 BALANCE Balance is important in the wall’s entire layout and in its subsections Formal balance To create a formal balanced display, first establish a central focal point and then built symmetrically outward using similar silhouettes. Informal balance using the same amount of space, built different product configurations on each side 平衡 平衡在整个板墙的陈列中起到很重要的作用. 绝对平衡 找到中心线,然后根据镜面反射原理作出绝对平衡 相对平衡 使用相同体积的不同产品作出的平衡. Columns /列 Columns Build your product presentation in narrow columns(30cm) and wide columns(60cm), arranged in a balanced composition. Use columns to provide a logical framework that’s easy for the customers to understand. Panels organize and uti


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