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Color Words; white ;white white as a sheet ; white elephant ;white flag ;white day ; white feather white lie ; black; 1.像煤或墨的颜色,跟“白”相对: ~色。~发。 2.指夜晚:起早摸~ 3.暗,昏暗,光不足:~暗。~夜。 4.秘密;不公开(多指违法的):~市 5.坏,狠毒:黑~ ,腹~;black black sheep black market black spot black widow black coffee black tea black list; red ;象征顺利或受人宠信: ~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。 喜庆:~媒(媒人)。 ~白喜事(结婚和喜丧合称)。 象征革命:~军。~色根据地,~色政权。 指营业的纯利润:~利。分~。;red roll out the red carpet a red letter day red alert red cross red tape red ink red sky red battle ; blue ;In China, blue is a color which represent further and eternal. For example, Chinese think the sky is blue and we regard blue as a color which can show our respect to the sky. 最冷的颜色 象征纯净,如海洋、天空、宇宙; 还象征冷静、理智、永不言弃等, 例如警察的服装和空军的军装是蓝色的。 ;;;;They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match.;blue room;blue collar;He is a real blue blood.;Something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue;blue vedio ;blue-sky market;drink till alls blue; yellow ;1、像金子或向日葵花的颜色:黄色。黄昏。牛黄。黄澄澄。信口雌黄。 2、特指中国黄河:黄灾。治黄。黄泛区。 3、指“黄帝”(即“轩辕氏”,传说中原始社会部落联盟首领):黄老(黄帝和老子)。炎黄子孙。 4、事情失败或计划不能实现:事情黄了。;the Yellow River;;He is too yellow to stand up and fight.;A yellow streak 胆小如鼠;;yellow book ;yellow ribbon; green ;;China: green hats indicate a man’s wife is cheating on him India: Islam Ireland: the whole country Western: spring, new birth, go, St. Patrick’s Day;圣·帕特里克节 St. Patrick’s Day;shamrocks;;green power;green hand;


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