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虚拟起重机系统的设计与实现—起重模块 浙江理工大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE 2 浙 江 理 工 大 学 信 息 电 子 学 院 毕业论文(设计)诚信声明 我谨在此保证:本人所写的毕业论文(设计),凡引用他人的研究成果均已在参考文献或注释中列出。论文(设计)主体均由本人独立完成,没有抄袭、剽窃他人已经发表或未发表的研究成果行为。如出现以上违反知识产权的情况,本人愿意承担相应的责任。 声明人(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要 随着服装电子商务的迅速发展,从网上买衣服的购物方式已经被很多人接受,近年来,人们已经不再满足于简单的文字介绍和图片展示,而是对商品的交互性和真实性有了更高的要求。为了买足客户的这种需求,3D试衣系统应运而生,3D试衣系统通过三维仿真虚拟模特和3D仿真虚拟衣物,为消费者提供虚拟试衣服务。 3D试衣,是一个新兴的概念,在国外也属于新鲜事物。目前,市面流行的3D试衣系统只有国外的Mvm、Cme、OptiTex等,国内只有C2pop软件。 目前,国内网络上的大量所谓的“3D试衣”都是通过Flash技术,帮助网友挑选合适的搭配,其中的服装和人体都是平面照片。即使能够旋转的,也是多个平面照片的粘合而已,距离国际上通行的3D试衣技术还相差甚远。 本文对虚拟试衣系统的发展现状及应用情况进行了综述,介绍了绘制虚拟场景涉及的相关技术,包括3D文件的读取、格式解析、雾、雪等粒子的实现方法。 然后对整个开发流程和开发环境的准备作了简单介绍,还介绍了程序的整体框架设计和3D模型的数据读取及存储的流程。最后给出了各个功能的代码实现,以及程序完整的显示效果。 关键词:虚拟试衣;3D模型;flash技术;粒子;试衣软件 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of apparel e-commerce, online clothes shopping has been accepted by many people in recent years, it is no longer satisfied with a simple text description and pictures show, a higher requirement for the interactivity and authenticity of the goods. To satisfie customers requirement, 3D fitting system came into being, 3D fitting system provide consumers virtual fitting services with three-dimensional simulation of virtual models and 3D simulation of virtual clothing. 3D fitting is an emerging concept in foreign countries and also belongs to something new. At the present, popular 3D fitting system in the market only are Mvm, Cme, OptiTex oversea and C2pop in China. And domestic network on a large number of so-called 3D fitting through Flash technology to help users with the selection of suitable clothing and the body are flat photos. Even be able to rotate, but also multiple flat-screen photo glue it is still far from the international common 3D fitting. This paper summarized the development situation of virtual fitting system, and the technologies related in drawing virtual scene, including 3D file read and format analysis what’s more, how to realize fog, snow and other particles. Then the whole development proce


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