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这是律师出具的类似的授权书 POWER OF ATTORNEY 授 权 书 This is to authorize __________(人名), ______(职位)of _______________(公司)to act as Legal Representative of the Company to sign the agreement of _________ with such powers, rights, duties and obligations as may be exercised and performed by the Legal Representative as per the Laws of PRC. 兹授权_____公司_____(职位)_______(人名)为本司法定代表人代理人,执行中华人民共和国法律规定下公司法定代表人签署_______合同的权利责任及义务。 ____________ (法人代表) Legal Representative (公司) (日期) --------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY 特 别 授 权 书   KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:   下列为双方所议定事项:   Name of Taiwan Employer/Principal:   台湾雇主本人/负责人名字(以下简称甲方):   Address地址:   Name of Representative (if applicable)法定代理人(若适用):   Position of Representative (if applicable)代理人职称(若适用):   DO HEREBY NAME, CONSTITUTE AND APPOINT 在此委托、授权、指派   Name of Philippine Recruitment Agency菲律宾招募公司名字(以下简称乙方)   GOLDEN HARVEST HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT   Address地址:Suite 406, 4/F, A.P. Building, 1563 F. Agoncillo St., Malate, Manila   Name of Agency Representative公司法定代理人:ANGIE Y. SANTIAGO   Position in Agency代理人职称:President   As its true and legal representative to act for and in my name and stead and to perform the following:   为甲方之法定代表人,以甲方之名义执行下列事情:   To represent my name before any government and/ or private offices/ agencies in Taiwan and the Philippines for the purpose of recruiting, hiring and employment of Filipino workers;   代表甲方在台湾及菲律宾两地,向其政府或私人单位,执行菲律宾劳工就业招募,其招募相关文件作业及认证工作;   To recruit Filipino workers in my behalf ;   代表甲方进行菲律宾招募程序工作;   To execute, sign, seal, deliver, and present any all documents, and other pertinent papers, instruments and writings of whatever nature, kind and description, including employment contracts, necessary to accomplish the purposes for which this special power of attorney has been granted.   依此授权书效力作签署、鉴定、运送所有必要手续及办理资料包括劳动契约书以完成招募劳工相关交易事项。   To bring suit, defend and enter into compromise in my name and stead in litigations and in all matters involving t


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