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Internal Resistance Voltage [V] Current [A] R=ΔV/ΔI 动力电池的使用寿命评测 Degradation 3500 3.75 Remaining life Temperature of a battery 3.65 3.6 3.55 3.8 3.7 0 772 500 -500 -1500 -2500 4500 2500 1500 Voltage response/V Current/A Day Present Battery *BMS: Battery Management System **PLC: Programmable Logic Controller -Battery Temperature -Battery Voltage -Battery Current BMS* Controller (PLC**) -Internal resistance degradation rate -Remaining battery life (Estimated) Monitor (ex. Based on an Internal resistance degradation rate) 1623 2510 3410 4197 5022 Time [s] t Drate ? kt x ?1 Degradation rate of Internal resistance Target Accuracy: 10% Lifetime judgment criteria Degradation rate (Present) 1 (Estimated) (ex. Based on the detection of an internal resistance status) 感 谢 关 注 ! ? 发生安全事故的锂离子电池,之前均通过UL安全认证。 ? 发生原因基本上是不可预测的内短路所造成。而这种内短 路似乎是不能完全消除。 ? 引起安全事故的电池在制造时,均是合格品。 ? 目前滥用安全性标准的测试结果,与发或者不发生安全性 事故,之间没有任何联系。 锂离子电池安全性 ? 对于笔记本电脑电池,发生概率在几百万分之一。 ? Major effort has been payed to improve the ways we address safety in lithium-ion batteries, however ? 在人们如此重视锂离子电池安全性的今天,严重的安全性问 题还时有发生。 ? The battery community does not have adequate tests to evaluate safety as it relates to the safety incidents that have taken place or could take place. ? 人们还没有找到合适的方法来预测和评测这类安全隐患问题 ? 我们在做工作,希望“十二五”结束时,这个问题得到一定程 度的解决。 锂离子电池的安全性 serious safety incidents can always occur. Energy Released (J) 热失控的机理 249.9 378 292.5 73.71 0.9 0 300 200 100 700 600 500 400 Anode/Binder Anode/Solvent SEIDecompn Cathode Breakdown Separator Oxidn @Cathode Solvent Oxdn JouleHeating @Cathode 锂离子电池安全性 900 800 0.8 Ah 钴酸锂手机电池 826.2 负极材料的安全性改进 正极材料 Heat release Safety of cathode Materials 隔膜 隔膜关闭的温度范围 ? Strength and physical integrity 抗压机械强度 ? Shrinkage allowance 热收缩率 影响电池安全性的重要指标 ?


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