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PAGE \* ARABIC1 JED-: JED-739 : 2015-11 Page PAGE \* ARABIC6 ????? SPECIFICATION ????? Specification Specification 2015-11 Class: Surface protection Class No.:50 ????? ZINC-NICKEL COATINGS WITH PASSIVATION ON FERROUS MATERIAL 在铁基体上的锌镍镀层及钝化 JED 739 Previous Edition Part name (for databases) 2014-03 Passivation, Zn-Ni-steel 852 007 390 4 Continuation page 2 to NUMPAGES 6 Compiler Approved Product Group: 4961 Katarzyna ?piewak Hans Vo? Doc. Code Language Rev. 008 - en - G – Template version 03 Scope The specification refers to parts which are extremely stressed with regard to corrosion,对腐蚀有极强应力的零件, i.?e. parts which are exposed to the outdoor atmosphere (direct outdoor weathering). It is especially applicable for parts subjected to high operating temperatures above +80 °C and refers to corrosion protection of parts made of ferrous materials. All coatings must be free from Hexavalent Chromium. 例如:暴露在室外大气中的部分(直接室外风化)。特别适用于工作温度高于+80°C的零件,指黑色金属材料制成的零件的防腐。所有涂层必须不含六价铬。 There are the following types:有以下类型: JED-739-0 Invalid! If JED-739-0 is indicated on the drawing, JED-739-5 has to be applied. 无效!如果图纸上注明JED-739-0,则必须采用JED-739-5。 JED-739-1 Invalid! If JED-739-1 is indicated on the drawing, JED-739-3 has to be applied. 无效!如果图纸上注明JED-739-1,则必须采用JED-739-3。 JED-739-2 Invalid! If JED-739-1 is indicated on the drawing, JED-739-6 has to be applied. 无效!如果图纸上注明JED-739-1,则必须采用JED-739-6。 JED-739-3 zinc-nickel coating with subsequent passivation of the zinc-nickel surface, followed by a sealing process, with silver coulour of the coating; 锌镍涂层,锌镍表面随后钝化处理,随后进行封闭处理,具有银色的镀层; JED-739-4 zinc-nickel coating with subsequent passivation of the zinc-nickel surface, followed by a sealing process, with black coulour of the coating; 锌镍涂层,锌镍表面随后钝化处理,随后进行封闭处理,具有黑色的镀层; JED-739-5 zinc-nickel coating with subsequent passivation of the zinc-nickel surface, without sealing process, with electrical conductivity, with silver coulour of the


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