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中英文资产负债表和损益表 利润表 INCOME STATEMENT 项 目 ITEMS 产品销售收入         Sales of products  其中:出口产品销售收入    Including:Export sales  减:销售折扣与折让      Less:Sales discount and allowances  产品销售净额         Net sales of products  减:产品销售税金       Less:Sales tax    产品销售成本       Cost of sales    其中:出口产品销售成本  Including:Cost of export sales 产品销售毛利          Gross profit on sales 减:销售费用          Less:Selling expenses   管理费用          General and administrative expenses   财务费用          Financial expenses   其中:利息支出(减利息收入) Including:Interest expenses (minusinterest ihcome)      汇兑损失(减汇兑收益)      Exchange losses(minus exchange gains) 产品销售利润          Profit on sales 加:其他业务利润        Add:profit from other operations 营业利润            Operating profit 加:投资收益          Add:Income on investment 加:营业外收入         Add:Non-operating income 减:营业外支出         Less:Non-operating expenses 加:以前年度损益调整      Add:adjustment of loss and gain for previous years 利润总额            Total profit 减:所得税           Less:Income tax 净利润             Net profit 资产负债表 BALANCE SHEET 资  产          ASSETS 流动资产:      CURRENT ASSETS  现金        Cash on hand  备用金       Pretty cash  银行存款      Cash in banks  有价证券      Marketable receivable  应收票据      Notes receivable  应收帐款      Accounts receivable  减:坏帐准备    Less:allowance for bad debts  预付货款      Prepayments-supplies  内部往来      Inter-company accounts  其他应收款      Other receivables  待摊费用       Prepaid and deferred expenses  存  货       Inventories  减:存货变现损失准备: Less:allowance on inventory reduction to market  已转未完工生产成本  Transferred in production cost transforming  一年内到期的长期投资 Matured long time investments within a year   流动资产合计    Total current assets 长期投资:       LONG TERM INVESTMENT  长期投资       Long term investments  拨付所属资金     Funds to burnchs  一年以上的应收款项  Accounts receivable over a year 固定资产:       FIXED ASSETS  固定资产原价     Fixed assets-cost  减:累计折旧     Less:amumulated depreciation  固定资产净值     Fixed assets-net value  固定资产清理     Disposal of fixed assets 融资租入固定资产原价:     Fixed assets-cost on financial le


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