第三章 管理理论发展史.ppt

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第三章 管理理论的历史演进 Management thought: Past and Present 第一节 近现代管理思想与管理理论 第二节 当代管理思想与管理理论 第三节 管理思想与理论的新进展 管理理论发展史 Historical background of management 产业革命 Industrial Revolution 伴随着蒸汽机的发明与使用,开始于18世纪的英国 Starting in the eighteenth century in GB with the invention of reliable steam-powered machinery 机械力取代了人力,开始了大规模的工厂生产活动 Substituting machine power for human power,manufactures could mass-produce goods in factories(large groups of semiskilled workers using reliable machines under one roof ) 劳动分工使在工厂中制造商品更加经济 More economical to manufacture goods in factories rather than at home Historical background of management 产业革命 Industrial Revolution 高效的工厂生产需要管理技能,工厂主需要预测需求,指挥每天的生产活动,协调各种活动,保证机器正常运转和保证产品的质量,以及为产品寻找市场 Such large, efficient factories required managerial skills, owners were needed to forecast demand, ensure that enough material was on hand to make products, assign tasks to people, direct daily activities 于是产生了对管理理论的需求,以便指导管理这些大型组织。某种意义上,良好的组织管理对于提高产量的贡献不亚于机器的发明与使用 The need for a formal theory to guide managers in running these large organizations had arrived. In many cases, better organization contributed almost as much to increased production as the use of the machines themselves 斯密的实验 亚当.斯密Adam Smith发现工厂生产“缝衣针”有两种方式 Adam Smith used the pin industry as an example : 手工生产 – 工人独自完成所有工序. 工厂生产 –工人分别完成一部分生产过程. 斯密发现,工厂生产形式 有更高的生产率。 Historical background of management 劳动分工 Division of labor 1776年发表的《国富论》An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations 简称:The Wealth of Nations 国民财富的源泉是劳动分工 The economic advantage that organizations and society would gain from the division of labour 劳动分工Division of labour:即将工作分解成一些单一的和重复性的作业 The breakdown of jobs into narrow and repetitive tasks 劳动分工之所以能提高生产率是因为The division of labour increased productivity by: 分工提高了工人的技巧和熟练程度 increasing each worker’s skill and dexterity 节约了因变换工作而浪费的时间 saving time lost in changing tasks 有利于机器的发明和应用 creating labour-saving inventions


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