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前瞻与综述 2014 年 12 月 第 33 卷 第 12 期 1000-8241 2014 12-1282-05 文章编号: ( ) 原油装船过程油气回收技术研究现状 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 张炀  李自力  王菲菲  王军  唐炳文  邵帅  陈坚  徐叶新 1. 中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院,山东青岛 266580;2. 中化兴中石油转运(舟山)有限公司,浙江舟山316000 摘要:为了研究原油装船过程中油气回收技术发展现状,综合国内外应用现状和相关排放法规,分 析了对国内原油装船过程中油气回收技术研究的必要性,指出大处理量、高含硫量是目前岸上油气 回收处理装置需要克服的难点。装船过程中油气浓度是变化的,其中后20 %装船过程的油气浓度 波动剧烈。国外在油气回收技术领域的研究探索已有50 年的历史,拥有油品码头油气回收一系列 比较成熟的技术。当前原油油气回收主要采用燃烧法、吸收法、吸附法、冷凝法及其组合工艺,其中 以吸附-吸收法、冷凝-吸收法最为常用,膜分离法不适宜使用。(图4 ,表6,参17 ) 关键词:原油装船;码头;油气回收;回收方式;排放标准 中图分类号:TE832      文献标识码:A     doi :10.6047/j .issn.1000-824 1.2014.12.005 Research status of oil and gas recovery in the crude oil shipment 1 1 1 1 2 ZHANG Yang , LI Zili , WANG Feifei , WANG Jun , TANG Bingwen , 2 2 2 SHAO Shuai , CHEN Jian , XU Yexin 1. College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Huadong), Qingdao, Shandong, 266580; 2. SINOPEC Xingzhong Oil Staging (Zhoushan) Co. Ltd., Zhoushan, Zhejiang, 316000 Abstract: To understand the status of oil and gas recovery in the shipment of crude oil, the applications of the technique and relevant emission regulations in China and abroad are coalesced to judge the necessity of research thereof. It is revealed that large processing capacity and high sulfur content are challenges for onshore oil and gas recovery device. Concentration of oil and gas changes in shipment, and even violently in last 20% of the shipment process. In foreign


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