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Be neighborhood with Obama 和奥巴马做邻居;After taking office shortly, U.S. President Obama departed from his hometown Chicago and move to the White House together with his wife – Michelle and his two daughters. 美国总统奥巴马上任后不久,就离开芝加哥老家,携妻子米歇尔和两个女儿入住白宫。;In the face of various media’s interview, Obama said affectionately, he likes his old house located in Chicagos Hyde Park very much, after his term of office finished, he will come back with his family. 面对多家媒体的采访,奥巴马深情地表示,他非常喜欢位于芝加哥海德公园的老房子,???任期满了之后,他还会带着家人回去居住的。;This news makes Bill (Bill Grimshaw) - a semiretirement university professor very happy, because he is Obamas old neighbor. His house would be worth one hundred times by Obama. 这个消息可让半退休的大学教授比尔(Bill Grimshaw )高兴坏了,因为他是奥巴马的老邻居。他的房子会因奥巴马而身价百倍。;How rare it is to be neighborhood with one of the world’s most famous figures – US President Obama! Because of this, Bill send his house to intermediary agent full of bright hope. 能和全世界最著名的人物之一—美国总统奥巴马做邻居,这是多么难得的事情啊!因此,他满怀希望地将自己的房子交给中介公司出售。;In order to sell his house, Bill found a website ( 5040 G ) to do a all-round introduction to his house: the mansion had 17 room, nearly six hundred square meters, very practical and comfortable. 为了推销自己的房子,比尔还特意建了一个网站( 5040 G ),全方位介绍他的住宅:这幢豪宅拥有17个房间,近六百平米,非常实用舒适。;More important, Obama had been a guest here many times, he even make a campaign AD video in the front of the fireplace, this is a house has go down in history! Bill believes that, with these selling point, his house will sell more than $3million. 更重要的是,奥巴马曾经多次来此做客,还在他家的壁炉前拍过一个竞选广告,这是一栋已经被载入史册的房子!比尔相信,有了这些卖点,他的房子一定能卖出三百万美元以上的高价。;As expected, soon, this site has hundreds of thousands of people click browse, however, which makes bill very surprise is that even there are so many people pay close attention to this house, but no one willing to buy. What is the reason that push the buyers away? 不出所料,这个网站很快就有几十万人点击浏览,然而,让比尔大跌眼镜的是,关注房子的人虽多,但没有一个人愿意购买。到底是什么原因让买家们望房却步呢?;In order to find out what is going on, Bill carefully looked at the web


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