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Terms of Raw Material and Lab 原材料以及检验室应用术语 Quality control; QC 品管 Inspector 检查员 Inspect 检验 Inventory Control 物料控制 Ruler 尺 Scissor 剪刀 Tape 卷尺 Leather皮料 Synthetic Leather人造皮 Mesh 网布 Reinforcement 补强 Non-woven 不织布 Shoelace 鞋带 Woven Tape/Webbing 织带 Thickness Gauge 厚度计 Moisture Tester 湿度计 Hardness Gauge 硬度计 Sensor 感应器 Color Variation 色 差 Color Migration 溢/移色 Stain 色污染 Defects Of Surface 皮面暇疪 Get Mildew 发霉 Soiling污染 too soft 太软 too hard 太硬 Abrasion 耐磨 Abrasion test 耐磨测试 Slip Resistance Test 耐滑测试 Water Treatment Test浸水测试 Water Vapor Absorption Test吸水量测试 Hydrolysis 水解 Migration移动;流动 Funghi,microbes 微生物、细菌 It is too dark. 颜色太深 It is too light. 颜色太浅. Leather is cracking. 皮料本身破裂 Material finish is too bright. 材料表面光泽太亮. What is the name of suplier? 材料供货商名称? Material thickness is incorrect. 材料厚度不正确 The color is not same as approved sample. 材料颜色与确认不一样. Gore Too Weak松紧带弹性不佳 Check material for color and weight. 检查材料颜色与材质. Leather is not being inspected before cutting截断前皮料未检验 Do you have a gauge for measuring thickness of materials? 你有厚度计可量厚度吗? Terms of Laboratory 检验室应用术语 Bending test 弯曲测试 Washing test 水洗测试 Bonding test 拉力(成品鞋)测试 Hydrolysis test 水解测试 Yellowing resistance test 耐黄测试 Machine wear test 跑步机测试 Abrasion test 耐磨测试 Slip resistance test 耐滑测试 Container test 集装箱测试 Color migration test 渗色测试 Tear strength test 材料撕裂测试 Tensile test 拉力(材料)測試 Test plate 测试片 Test component 测试实物 Terms of Production Line 生产线应用术语 A: Cutting 裁剪 Cutting by hand 手工开料 Handwork手工 Cutting die layout 排刀 Cut with single-layer 单层裁 Cut with double-layers 双层裁 Cut with multi-layers 多层裁 Cut with grain to grain 面对面裁 Cutting die waxing 裁刀上蜡 Cutting dies are not right 裁刀不对 Hairy edge 毛边 Poor Trimming 修边不良 Incorrect material 材料不对 Incorrect cutting 裁断错误 Incorrect Stretching/ Grain Direction. 延伸方向 / 纹路方向错误 Tight Leather cut should be from toe to heel 皮料裁剪不延伸方向必须由鞋头至后跟 Incorrectly cutting direction 裁剪不对裁刀方向 Cutting die broken 裁刀损坏 Cutting die distortion 裁刀变形 P


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