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第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 128 页 托福高阶词汇 abandon v.放弃 同 desert, abdicate, relinquish, quit, forsake The bad weather forced the campers to abandon their tent on the mountain. 恶劣的天气迫使露营者丢弃了山上的帐篷。 addict v.使沉迷;使上瘾 同 give in to, surrender, habituate Helen drinks ten cups of coffee every day; I think she is addicted to it. 海伦每天要喝10杯咖啡,我想她是上瘾了。 allure v.吸引;引诱 同seduce, coax, tempt, lure, attract The beauty of the sea allured himsintosbecoming a sailor. 大海的美丽吸引他去当一名水手。 Approximately adv.大约 同roughly, about, around, close to Janet said she would go for the party at approximately eight oclock. 珍妮特说她大约8点去参加聚会。 baffle v.使困惑 同confuse, perplex, bewilder, puzzle, confound The police were baffled by the false clues left by the clever thief. 警方被聪明的小偷留下的假线索迷惑住了。 caliber n.①能力②直径;口径 同 1.ability, capability, quality 2.breadth, diameter The enemy was armed only with low caliber guns. 敌人只配备了短口径的枪。 clot n.凝块 同mass, lump, coagulation, cluster, clump The pipe under the bathroom sink was jammed by a huge clot of hair. 浴室洗手台下的水管被一大团头发堵塞了。 compromise v.协调 同mediate, negotiate, bargain, reconcile, arbitrate Jane and Alex compromised and went to see a movie they both liked. 简和亚历克斯同意去看一部他们都喜欢的电影。 contemporary adj.当代的;同时代的 同current, modern, present-day Ethan enjoys reading contemporary British literature. 伊桑喜欢阅读当代英国文学作品。 Dam v.筑堤;以水坝拦阻 同block, confine, restrict, hold back The beaver dammed the stream with mud, branches and leaves. 海獭用泥土、树枝和树叶在河里筑水坝。 depict v.描述 同portray, picture, describe This story depicts people who live in poverty as hardworking and wanting to improve their lives. 这篇故事描写了努力工作以改善生活状况的穷人们的生活。 disclose v.泄露 同expose, unveil, divulge, uncover, reveal The government refused to disclose the names of the informers. 政府拒绝透露告密者的姓名。 eccentric adj.古怪的 同odd, queer, strange Mr. Wang is an eccentric old man who likes to collect tea pots. 王先生是个古怪的老人,他喜欢收集茶壶。 endowment n.①天分②捐赠 同1.talent, faculty, attribute 2.donation, bestowal Alices beautiful painting shows her artistic endowment. 艾丽斯美丽


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