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PAGE PAGE 9 本科生专业文献综述 题 目: 关于中国油画市场的综述 姓 名: 张 茜 学 院: 人文社会科学学院 专 业: 公共事业管理 班 级: 公管41 学 号: 2234112 指导教师: 卢夏 职称: 副教授 2007年 6月 20 南京农业大学教务处制 关于中国油画市场的综述 公共事业管理专业学生 张茜 指导教师 卢夏 摘要:随着社会的开放和经济的发展,人民群众的生活质量显著提高,中国油画艺术品拍卖行蓬勃兴起,全国收藏队伍迅猛增长,中国的油画收藏活动进入了发展的黄金时代,这是建国以来,甚至是近百年以来从未有过的巨大变化。由于社会变革太快太剧烈,人们的观念和政府行为都难免因跟不上形势发展而出现失衡。本文对中国油画市场、市场的发展结构现状及市场发生矛盾的问题进行探讨,从而为解决油画市场发展、管理的弊端提出一些合理的建议。 关键词:油画;现状;油画市场;拍卖市场 The Summary of Market in Chinese Oil Painting Student Majoring in Public Administration ZHANG Qian Tutor LU Xia Abstract: In rencent years, the policy of opening?to the outside world and the development of economy have raised the living standard and therefore boomed the curios market and the auction of work of art, hence,bringing oil painting collection of antiques into a golden times that had never been saw in even the latest one hundred years. However,?though?bringing prosperity to the curios market??, the overfast social reformation also causes troubles?to it due to the backward of peoples?ideas and the ineffecient governments implementation of? new policies on the market for curios. In this paper, the author have had an intentive probe into the following problems, oil painting market and the structural status of market development of the contradition between the guilds rules and the market , and finally proposed feasible suggestions for the solution of maladies of the development of oil painting market. Keywords : Oil painting; Present situation; Oil painting market; Auction market 中国油画艺术经历百年沧桑与发展,到了改革开放之后,地位可以说有了空前的提高。无论是从作品的艺术水准及数量,还是在市场上的价格,都达到了以前所无法想象的境地。这是中国油画艺术今后得以发展的基础保证。可是当我们仔细观察、分析近几年来的国内油画拍卖市场的种种情况,就会发现:中国油画艺术市场无论从哪个方面来看,都还存在着相当大的问题。这种问题深刻地制约着中国油画艺术及中国油画艺术市场的健康发展。剖析其中的方方面面,正视中国油画艺术市场存在的诸


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