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机床数控改造控制专业系统设计 PAGE PAGE I 摘 要 普通机床的经济型数控改造主要是在合理选择数控系统的前提下,然后再对普通机床进行适当的机械改造,改造的内容主要包括: (1)床身的改造,为使改造后的机床有较好的精度保持性,除尽可能地减少电器和机械故障的同时,应充分考虑机床零部件的耐磨性,尤其是机床导轨。为此,本例中采用旧床身淬火并贴膜。 (2)拖板的改造,拖板是数控系统直接控制的对象,所以对其改造尤显重要。这中间最突出一点就是选用滚珠丝杠代替滚动丝杠,提高了传动的灵敏性和降低功率步进电机力矩损失。 (3)变速箱体的改造,由于采用数控系统控制,所以要对输入和输出轴以及减速齿轮进行设计,从而再对箱体进行改造。 (4)刀架的改造,采用数控刀架,这样可以用数控系统直接控制,而且刀架体积小,重复定位精度高,安全可靠。 通过对机床的改造并根据要求选用步进电机作为驱动元件,这样改造后的机床就能基本满足现代化的加工要求。 关键词:普通机床,数控改造,步进电机,经济型数控系统,数控刀架 PAGE 27 Abstract CNC machine tools, general transformation of the economy mainly in the rational choice under the premise of numerical control system, and then on the lathe appropriate mechanical transformation, transformation should include: (1) the transformation of bed, for the transformation of post-precision machine tools have better retention, in addition to as much as possible to reduce the electrical and mechanical failures at the same time, should give full consideration to the wear resistance of machine parts, especially the Machine Tool . To this end, in this case the old bed quenching, and foil. (2) the transformation of extension units, extension units is the direct control of CNC system object, so its transformation utmost importance. This is the middle of the most prominent point is chosen instead of rolling screw ball screw to improve the sensitivity of the transmission and torque stepper motor to reduce power losses. (3) The gearbox of the transformation, due to adopt numerical control system, so the input and output shaft as well as the reduction gear design, which then transform to the box. (4) the transformation of tool carrier, using CNC turret, so that you can use the direct control of CNC system, and knife small size, high repeat positioning accuracy, safe and reliable. Through the transformation of machine tools and are required to use stepper motor as the driving element, so that after transformation, modernization of machine tools will be able to basically meet the processing requirements. Ke


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