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全球各国的家具标准明细: 美国家具标准(ANSI furniture standards) ANSI | BS | DIN | EN | GB | ISO | JIS | NF | DIC 编号 中文名称 ANSI/ASTM D3453-2001 英文名称 软质泡沫材料规范.家具、汽车软垫、床垫及类似用途用氨基甲酸乙酯 Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials ? Urethane for Furniture and Automotive Cushioning, Bedding, and Similar Applicati ons ANSI/ASTM E1352-2002 模拟装璜家具组装件的抗香烟引燃性的试验方法 Test Methods For Cigarette Ign ition Resista nee Of Mock-Up Upholstered Fur niture Assemblies ANSI/ASTM E1353-2002 装璜家具部件抗香烟引燃性试验方法 Test Methods For Cigarette Ignition Resistance Of Components Of Upholstered Furniture ANSI/ASTM E1537-2007 Upholstered Furniture ANSI/ASTM E2280-2003 南 Guide for the 软垫家具燃烧测试的试验方法 Test Method for Fire Testing of 对医疗保健设施的病房内用的软垫座椅家具受火灾影响进行评估的指 Fire Hazard Assessment of the Effect of Upholstered Seating Furniture Within Patient Rooms of Health Care Facilities ANSI/ASTM F1178-2001 上釉系统、烘干、金属连接件装置和家具的性能规范 Spec讦ication for Performanee of Enameling System, Baking, Metal Joiner Work and Furniture ANSI/ASTM F1550-2001 响应特性试验方法 利用台架规模测定暴力行为后教养院用合成床垫或家具构件火焰试验 Test Method for Determination of Fire-Test-Response Characteristics of Comp on ents or Composites of Mattresses or Furniture for Use in Correctio nal Facilities after Exposure to Vandalism, by Employing a Bench Scale ANSI/ASTM F1870-2001 评定拘留所和管教所装饰家具着火试验方法选择指南 Guide for Selection of Fire Test Methods for Assessment of Upholstered Furnishings in Detention and Correctional Facilities ANSI/ASTM F420-1999 真空吸尘器可伸入家具底部深度的测试方法 Test Method for Access Depth under Furniture of Vacuum Cleaners ANSI/ASTM F782-2001 ANSI/ASTM F825-1993 Marine, Steel ANSI/ASTM F826-1994 Steel ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2007 船用家具门规范 Specification for Doors, Furniture, Marine 抽屉、家具船用钢规范 Specification for Drawers, Furniture, 顶盖、家具船用钢规范 Specification for Tops, Furniture, Marine, 测定从办公家具、部件和座椅中排放出的挥发性化合物(VOC)的标准试 验方 V去 Stan da rd Test Method for Determi ning VOC Emissi ons From Office Fur niture, Comp orients and Seating ANSI/BIFMA X5.1-2002 办公家具.通用办公椅.试验 Office Furnishings? General-Purpose Office Chairs -


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