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闽南师范大学 自学考试毕业论文(设计) 一串红在园林绿化中的应用 姓 名: 方丹珍 学 号: 960114791027 系 别: 专 业: 园林 年 级: 2013级 指导教师: 甘勇辉 2016年 8月13日 一串红在园林绿化中的应用 中文摘要 随着新世纪的到来,我国的园林艺术早已经开始逐渐发展,相对应的,园林中的一串红在其中还扮演着重要的主角,一般的,它以自身独特的生物特性于生态习性充当着本质性的表现,从而凸显出园林唯美的布置方式,而在本论文中,其主要以一串红为主要的说明对象,逐层剖析了其在我国园林中的重点应用形式和它为园林所带来的造景机理于造景原则,最终给园林艺术带来了绿化的前景于绿化的能效,从而明确而了一串红的最佳美化和绿化园林的效果。而本论文以一串红为主要的探究对象,以其在园林中所表现出的绿化应用为所探求的目的,从而明确一串红的最佳美化效果。 关键词:园林绿化;一串红;应用 Abstract: The construction of garden greening is the main component of the urbanization construction, and the average per capita green area of the city is the main civilization symbol of improving the level of afforestation in the garden city. The flowers are coming to improve the best material for the greening of the city level, for a string of red, it is a perennial herb with white, yellow and red varieties varieties of fresh varieties, in the city of garden art, usually a bunch of red color in each line of landscaping, essential in the environment can not be replaced, but the day before, a domestic famous garden in red to beautify the layout is simple, and there are still mixed flower species, which is green in the garden of flowers can not be reflected, so that visitors to the vision in the lack of a luxury, aesthetic understanding, and the with a string of red as the main research object, with its green application shown in the garden for the purpose of exploring, in order to clear a bunch of red best beautification effect. Key words: Landscaping; a bunch of red; beautification effect; purpose; research object 目录TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 27855 中文摘要 I 27855 英文摘要 I 13734 0引言 1 22316 1一串红的生物特性与重要装饰 1 23832 1.1一串红的特征 1 1616 1.2一串红的生物性质 1 10849 1.3一串红的唯美布置 1 12083 2园林绿化中一串红的造景机理与原则 1 18440 2.1园林一串红的绿化科学性原则 1 9823 2.2园林中一串红的绿化方式与原理 2 14794 2.2.1协调与对称 2 14698 2.2.


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