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Entrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen University Content Growing interest in Entrepreneurship Definitions of entrepreneurship The economical viewpoint of the Entrepreneur The entrepreneurial decision process The Benefits of Entrepreneurship The Potential Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship Moving from passive to active: The Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship: Small Business Entrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen University Small Business: Economic Definition: According to the Bolton Committee (Bolton, 1971), the economic definition regards firms as being small if they satisfied three criteria: They have a relatively small share of its market; They are managed by its owners or its owner or part owners in a personalised way, and not through the medium of a formalised management structure; They are independent in the sense that it does not form part of a larger enterprise and that the owner/managers should be free from outside control in taking their principal decisions. Entrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen University Statistic Definition: EC’s definition: Micro-enterprise: 0 - 9;Small enterprises: 10 - 99;Medium enterprises: 100-250. World Bank’s definition (/sme/html) Micro Small Medium Employees =10 =50 =300 Total assets $100,000 $3 million $15 million Annual sales $100,000 $3 million $15 million Entrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen University 中国大陆的定义: 但根据1999年科技部和财政部关于中小科技型企业创新基金条例,中小企业是指雇员数小于500人的各种所有制企业。 中华人民共和国中小企业促进法: 第二条 本法所称中小企业,是指在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的有利于满足社会需要,增加就业,符合国家产业政策,生产经营规模属于中小型的各种所有制和各种形式的企业。 中小企业的划分标准由国务院负责企业工作的部门根据企业职工人数、销售额、资产总额等指标,结合行业特点制定,报国务院批准。 Entrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen University 创业家自测表 17: 你有愿望、能力、适应性等创立一家企业; 13-17:创业家精神不显著。当你明确有能力成为一个创业家时,应该确定你能够应付企业家面对的各种问题; 13:你的创业家精神不显著,也许职业经理人更适合你。 但记住: 这个测试并不十分科学; 无论你的分数如何,在你真正想进入创业过程时,请花一些时间了解你感兴趣行业的相关经验。


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