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2002 11 15 11 China J Orthop T rauma, Nov 2002, Vol. 15, No. 11 647 APLD 1 1 2 3 1 李红 郑之和 周义成 周承贵 张在沛 ( 1 , 443001; 2; 3 ) ! ( APLD) 146 APLD , ; ( P 005) ; ; ; APLD ; 2~ 35g ; 35 , 35 ; 2~ 4 ! ; ; Tostudy the related factors affecting the therapeutic effect of Auto Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy L i H ong , Zheng Zhihe, ZH O U Yucheng, et al. The Renhe H osp ital of Thr ee Gorges Univ ersity ( H ubei Yichang , 443001 Abstract! ObjectiveT o study t he related fa tors affe ting the therapeuti effe t of Auto Per utaneous Lumbar Diske tomy( APLD) Methods 146 ases of lumbar dis herniat ion were treated wit h APLD and obser vations w ere made on the related fa tors affe ting the therapeuti effe t. Results The therapeut i effe t w ere in lose asso iation with the sele tion of the right indi ation; the ourse of the illness did not affe t the final results ( P 005) . The long or shore of the relation between therapeuti effe t and the amount of removed dis ma terial demonstrated a parabola urve. T he sites of dis removal bore some relationship w ith the age of pat ients. Proper t imely tra tion was able to improve the therapeuti result of APLD. ConclusionT he hoi e of indi ation is one of the riti al fa tors. T he properly ex ised amount of dis material should be 2 to 35 grams. The site of ex ision in pat ients under 35 y ears of age bears no signifi ant differen e to the therapeuti effe t ; however, in t hose over 35, it is better to remove the entral and the posterior part. T ra tion for 2~ 4 w eeks after operations helps to improve the therapeuti effe t. Key ords! Intervertebral dis displa ement; Lumbar vertebrae; Intervertebral dis e tomy ( Auto Per utaneous , L ~ S 27 151 5 1 Lumbar Diske tom


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