人教版新课标 2019-2020 必修五 第四单元 book 5 Unit 4 Making the news - Reading课件.ppt

人教版新课标 2019-2020 必修五 第四单元 book 5 Unit 4 Making the news - Reading课件.ppt

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There are many kinds of occupations in the world, so which one do you want to choose? Or what are you going to be in the future? Why? stewardess model reporter cook actor barber policeman lawyer clerk doctor Do you want to work for a newspaper? If you are offered a chance for a job at China Daily, you will need to find out what kind of jobs they have? What kind of jobs do the newspapers have? jobs reporter editor designer printer photographer chief editor advertising editor distribution organizer Interviews people or finds out about events from onlookers Takes photographs of important people or events Prints the newspaper Makes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checks facts Lays out the article and photographs 1.journalist 2.chief editor 3.reporter 4.deputy editor 5.photographer 6. printer 7.critic 8.foreign correspondent 9.desk editor 10.cartoonist 11. sub-editor 1).Which two words mean the same? 2).Who gives opinions on plays and books? 3).Who reports from aboard? 4).Who decides on the content of the newspaper? 5).Who prints the newspaper? 1.journalist/3.reporter 7. critic 8. foreign correspondent 2. chief editor 6. printer Quiz 6) Who writes news stories? 7) Who makes corrections to articles and design? 8) Who designs comic drawings with captions(说明,标题)? 9) Who is in charge of the newspaper when the boss is away? 10) Who takes photos of important people or events? 1.journalist/3.reporter 11.sub-editor 10.cartoonist 4.deputy editor 5.photographer 1.journalist 2.chief editor 3.reporter 4.deputy editor 5.photographer 6. printer 7.critic 8.foreign correspondent 9.desk editor 10.cartoonist 11. sub-editor Quiz How is a newspaper made? The______ editor hold a meeting. Journalists__________ people and write stories Photos are quickly _________ Photographers ______ photographs. Editors ______ the report. Editors write the __________. Th


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