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MACROBUTTON MTEditEquationSection2 SEQ MTEqn \r \h SEQ MTSec \r 1 \h SEQ MTChap \r 1 \h 风资源评估系统搭建方法研究基金项目:上海市青年科技启明星资助项目(12QB1401500)* 基金项目:上海市青年科技启明星资助项目(12QB1401500) 马文通1, 2,刘青海2,李凯2,王帅2 (1. 国家气象中心, 北京 100081; 2. 上海电气风电设备有限公司, 上海 200241) 摘 要:复杂地形和低风速风电场风资源评估过程中,在缺少实测数据的情况下寻找风资源丰富的开发区域,对提高风电场的盈利能力具有重要的现实意义。本文针对风电场开发前期有效数据匮乏的情况,在传统风资源评估系统的基础上,引入大气模式进行大范围计算获得中尺度计算结果,同时引入陆地卫星遥感资料处理技术,获得大范围高精度的地表粗糙度信息,结合计算流体动力学技术对中尺度数据进行降尺度,建立大气模式和计算流体动力学技术双核心的风资源评估系统。本文所建立的先进风资源评估系统可以满足复杂地形和低风速风电场风资源评估的工程需要,从而拓宽了风资源评估的途径。 关键词:风资源评估;卫星遥感;大气模式;计算流体动力学 Method Research on Wind Resource Assessment System Structure Ma Wentong1, 2, Liu Qinghai2, Li Kai2, Wang Shuai2 (1. National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081, China; 2. Shanghai Electric Wind-power Equipment Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200241, China) Abstract: In complex terrain, low wind speed region or lack of measured wind data, how to find rich wind resource region is very important for increasing profit of wind farm. For the lack of valid wind data in the early development of wind farm, based on traditional wind resource assessment system, we introduce atmospheric model to do mesoscale simulation on large scale region, and then integrate with high resolution terrain and roughness data based on the processing technique of remote sensing to do CFD downscaling simulation, build the double-core system of wind resource assessment with atmospheric model and CFD. The advanced wind resource assessment system we built will satisfy the demands of wind power projects development in complex terrain and in low wind speed region; it also widen the method of wind resource assessment. Keywords: wind resource assessment; Remote Sensing (RS); atmospheric model; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 0引言 随着大规模集中开发风电场的进程,项目开发权的竞争日益激烈,而不断增加的限电、“弃风”,也使得这些地方风电场的效益大打折扣,内陆省份风电场的优势渐渐凸显 ADDIN EN.CITE EndNoteCiteAuthor李俊峰/AuthorYear2012/YearRecNum275/RecNumDisplayTextstyle face=superscript[1]/style/DisplayTextrecordrec-number275/rec-numberforeign-keyskey app=E


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