上大附中 高一上期中考.doc

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哈佛北大精英创立 2015学年高一第一学期上大附中期中考试试卷 2015.11.24 Section A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,?use one word that best fits each blank. (A) Soon after her arrival, Mary learns about a secret garden that 21 ? (lock) away for 10 years. She becomes fascinated with the idea of the garden and determines to find it, and eventually she locates it and goes inside. It seems 22 ? (abandon), but she finds a few sprigs of new growth and begins tending to them 23 ? ? she knows nothing about gardening. Mary questions Ben, a gardener about the garden, but he makes it clear that it 24 ? (not discuss). She learns that the garden belonged to the late Mrs Craven and her husband ordered that it be locked away after her death because it caused him too much pain. Mary also befriends Dickon Snowerby, the brother of her housemaid Martha, 25 ? is a great lover of nature and beloved by every living thing, including every animal he meets, and he begins to help Mary tend the garden. 26 ?spring comes, the garden begins to thrive along with the health of Colin and Mary. Soon Colin is able to stand and walk, but the children keep this a secret 27 ? he wants to surprise his father. When Mr Craven returns to Misselthwaite, he is surprised to find that the garden has been discovered and is now thriving again and thrilled that his son, whom he has come to regret neglecting all these years, has now been made strong and healthy through his connection with nature and the power of love that comes from the secret garden. (B) A successful person is thought by many 28 ?(be) a person that makes large amount of money and lives in a very nice house in a wealthy neighborhood. But what is mentioned ofte


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