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* 光阻法空白对照 1、将容器敞开脱气 超声脱气(80~120W ,30秒)、静置脱气、疏散样品脱气(也即增加与空气接触的表面积); 2、漩涡振摇 借助手或涡旋仪振摇装有空白对照的容器,将气泡赶至液体表面。 3、测定5个5ml的无尘洁净水,保留所有计数; 4、目标: 在混合的25ml样品中大于等于10μm的微粒不超过25个(每ml不超过1个)。 * 三、Method 测试程序 通过连续翻转混合供试品样本20次,必要时,谨慎放入密封的包装中,用喷射的无微粒水清洗该外包装以避免污染。通过适当的方法处理,以减少供试品中的气泡,如:通过超声处理2min脱气泡。就大剂量的样本而言,取一个样本测试。 For large-volume parenterals, single units are tested. For small-volume parenterals less than 25 ml in volume, the contents of 10 or more units is combined in a cleaned container to obtain a volume of not less than 25 ml; the test solution may be prepared by mixing the contents of a suitable number of vials 小瓶 and diluting to 25 ml with particle-free water or with an appropriate particle-free solvent 溶剂 when particle-free water is not suitable. Small-volume parenterals having a volume of 25 ml or more may be tested individually. Powders for parenteral use are reconstituted 再现with particle-free water or with an appropriate particle-free solvent when particle-free water is not suitable. The number of test specimens 试样 must be adequate to provide a statistically sound assessment. For large-volume parenterals or for small-volume parenterals having a volume of 25 ml or more, fewer than 10 units may be tested, based on an appropriate sampling plan. Remove four portions 份, each of not less than 5 ml, and count the number of particles equal to or greater than 10 μm and 25 μm. Disregard 忽略 the result obtained for the first portion, and calculate the mean number of particles for the preparation to be examined. * 光阻法 采样体积 取样注意: 1、单个产品容量≤25ml 混合10个或更多的容器以保证足够; 2、单个产品容量大于25ml 至少一个容器 3、单个产品很昂贵且量很少 优先考虑膜显微镜法,可以多个汇集,但增加了成本。也可以稀释,不过要验证稀释后液体的稳定性。 稀释程序:将产品装入或稀释在无尘水或合适的溶剂中,20次反转混合,至少5ml/分,脱气,重复测定4次,舍弃第一次数据。 ? * 检查法 (1)标示装量为25ml或25ml以上的静脉用注射液或注射用浓溶液 除另有规定外,取供试品,用水将容器外壁洗净,小心翻转20次,使溶液混合均匀,立即小心开启容器,先倒出部分供试品溶液冲洗开启口及取样杯,再将供试品溶液倒入取样杯中,静置2分钟或适当时间脱气,置于取样器上(或将供试品容器直接置于取样器上)。开启搅拌或以手缓缓转动,使溶液混匀(避免气泡产生),依法测定至少3次,每次取样应不少于5ml,记录数据;另取至少2个供试品,同法测定。每个供试品第一次数据不计,取后续测定结果的平均值计算。 (2)标示装量为25ml以下的静


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