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Watch the video by scanning the QR code and fill in the blanks. In the video, four college students share the reasons why they chose their colleges. 1 Because it’s centered downtown and it’s around everything. And it’s very busy and it’s very___________________________________________ to get in and out of here, you know, through the bus line using DART ( 大型运输系统运营商). My girlfriend. Because I was at Collin before and I didn’t do so great.So I thought if I went to a school where I had somebody to push me,it’d________________________________ , try harder. convenient help me out I felt that the________________________________ of education was higher than I had seen anywhere else. I picked Eastfield just because I heard so many good things about The ______________________________________ here. And I just feel like they care about you passing and care about you. quality professors Read the above sentences and then share the reason why you chose your college with your partners. Here are some sentences for your reference. 2 It was actually the only school that had the program I wanted to take. I choose it because it is so beautiful. It has a multitude of ( 多种多样的) clubs. … (your college name) was recommended to me by my college counselor ( 咨询师) at high school. It is so close to my home. I chose come to… (your college name) because I think it’s easier and cheaper for me. Discuss the following questions with your partners. 3 1. What’s your first impression of your college? 2. What is your major? Why did you choose it? 3. What things would you like to do during college? Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks. Words and Expressions province 省份 major 主修 department 学院 settle in 习惯;安定下来 accounting 会计学 maths 数学 Dialogue 1 S: It is a fine day, isn’t it? M: Yes, I like the weather in the city. By the way, I am from


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