
20161114 path and circuit 含H道路回路定理证明,交错点互斥,及第二章习题2.答案.pptx

20161114 path and circuit 含H道路回路定理证明,交错点互斥,及第二章习题2.答案.pptx

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;;Path and circuit: Sequence of vertices ? Not good Sequence of edges ? Not good Sequence of vertices and edges ? GOOD ! Path always has a direction.;Path and circuit: ;;;;;;A simple graph satisfying ;;Euler’s Classic Problem;;;Note: The problems of Euler path in pseudograph are equivalent to the cases in multigraph. So sometimes we only talk about multigraph.;;;;A Generalization of the Euler Theorem.;;Hamiltons A Voyage Round the World Puzzle. ;;Note: The problems of Hamilton path in simple graph are equivalent to the cases in pseudograph. So we only need to consider simple graph here !;;;;;Proof of the sufficient condition of the existence of Hamilton Path. (哈密顿道路存在的充分条件证明);花絮小知识--交错点互斥性质图解 哈密顿道路、回路存在的充分性条件证明基础;;Remark 2;;;;;Some Homework;3. Chinese textbook p35 习题二第三题;4. Chinese textbook p35 习题二第四题;Solution;5a. Chinese textbook p35 习题二 5a提示;5b. Chinese textbook p35 习题二 5b提示;?;8. Chinese textbook p36 习题二第八题: ;10. Chinese textbook p36 习题二第十题: this is a problem of Hamilton circuit, which can be proved by using the sufficient condition as in ORE’s theorem.;11. Chinese textbook p36 习题二第十一题: this is also a problem of Hamilton circuit, which can be proved by using the sufficient condition as in ORE’s theorem.;Supplementary 1. Shortest-Path Problem (最短路径) (in connected weighted simple graph, 6th Edt. English Textbook P649.);Weighted graph: Graph that has a number assigned to each edge. ;The main idea of Dijkstras algorithm: 正向描述 S 反向思考 V a a Take as the induction hypothesis the following assertion: At the kth iteration the label of every vertex v in S is the length of a shortest path from ‘a’ to this vertex, the label of every vertex not in S is the length of a shortest path from ‘a’ to this vertex, which only uses vertices in S (besides the vertex itself) . ;Shortest-Path Problems;Example of Dij


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