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PAGE PAGE 7 2012级教师攻读硕士专业学位研究生英语课程 词汇练习100题 The mother ________ her baby tightly. B. clutched 抱着 2. While she had the fever, she _______for hours. A. raved 说胡话 3. She reached her decision only after much ___________. D. meditation沉思 4.Films and pictures about recent wars sometimes angry memories and feelings of hatred between nations. B)foster 培养、养育 句子翻译:关于最近的战争电影和图片有时生气的记忆和情感促进国与国之间的仇恨。 5. The judge imposed a fine. A)hefty 大量的 句子翻译:法官判了巨额罚款。 6. Foreigners frequently are unaware of the of the words they use. C)connotation 内涵 句子翻译:外国人经常都不知道这个字词的内涵。 7. We’re still three votes of the number we need to win. C)shy 不足的 句子翻译:我们需要赢,我们还差三票。 8. They us three weeks to finish the job. D)allotted 分配 9. I think it’s rather the truth to say he’s handsome. B)straining 使过分 10. An endless of tedious days and nights stretched before us. A)vista 远景、展望 句子翻译:一个无止境的乏味的昼夜横亘在我们。 11. The kitchen was small and _______ so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty. B. compact 小 12. It’s _______ to pay the debt within six months. D. mandatory必须的 句子翻译:必须在在六个月内支付债务 13. The farmers receive a _____ from the government to grow this crop. A. subsidy 津贴 14. We are going to pay for the house by monthly _______. C. installments 分期付款 14. The country signed a/an _______ contract with America with an aim to make good use of their natural resources and capital. B. reciprocal 双方的 句子翻译:这个国家签署了一项与美国/互惠合同,目的是充分利用自然资源和资本。 15. These excursions will give you an even deeper _______ into our language and culture. C. insight 洞察力 句子翻译:这些短途旅行会给你一个更深刻的理解我们的语言和文化。 16. My boss often _____ his opinion upon others. B. imposes 强加 17. Your story about the frog turning into a prince is _______ nonsense. A. sheer 全然的 句子翻译:这个关于青蛙变成王子的故事全然是胡说。 18. The nerve of a tooth is ________. D. sentient 有知觉的 19. He came home tired and _______ after a long and unsuccessful day’s work. B. morose 闷闷不乐的 20. Since John has such an


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