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star n. v. asterisk n. satellite n. * M. “活泼的”Vivian(维维安) Vivian,女性名字,来自于词根viv,为“生命、活力”之意,此词根的变体为vit和vig,常见于下列单词中。 vivid adj. 生动的, 鲜明的 She gave the police a vivid description of the accident. vivacious adj. 活泼的, 快活的 viv (life) + acious (full of) vivacity n. 活泼 She had always been vivacious and sparkling. vivify vt. 使生动, 使活跃 viv(life) + ify (to make) revivify v. 使再生,使复活 The teacher decides to bring the students out of the classroom to vivify his boring class. revive v. 使复活,使恢复 re(back) + viv (life) revival n.复兴, 复活 All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure. survive v. 活着,继续存在,幸存 sur (above) + viv (life) survival n.生存, 幸存, 残存 In the jungle, they were driven to extremes in order to survive. vital adj. 生死攸关的, 重大的, 生命的 vitality n.活力, 生命力 The heart performs a vital bodily function. vigor n.精力, 活力 vigorous adj. 精力旺盛的, 有力的, 健壮的 He flung himself into his work with renewed vigor.? ◆ Vitamin n. ◆ 第二节 从男性名字联想开去 A. “仁慈的”Clement(克莱门特) Clement,男性名字,源于拉丁语Clemens,为“性格温和,仁慈”之意,主要构成以下单词。 clemency n.温和, 仁慈, 和蔼 inclemency n. 险恶, 严酷 He appealed to the judge for clemency.? * B. “优生的”Eugene(尤金) Eugene,男性名字,由前缀eu-+词根gen构成,其中eu-为“优、好”之意, gen为“出生”之意,这两个词素主要构成以下单词。 eugenics n. 优生学 eu (good) +gen (birth) +ics The development of eugenics has greatly improved the quality of childbirth. eulogy n. 赞词, 颂词 eu (good) + logy (word, study) eulogize v.称颂,颂扬 eulogist n 称赞者 All the eulogy of his friends could not remove the sting of the calumny heaped upon him by his enemy. euphemism n. 委婉语 eu (good) +phem (word) + ism “Pass away” is a euphemism for “die”. euphony n. 悦耳的声音 eu (good) +phon (sound) euphonious adj.悦耳的 Italian and Spanish are euphonious languages and therefore easily sung. genesis n. 起源,创世纪 gene (birth) + sis The genesis of the universe may have been a big explosion. generate v. 产生, 发生 This hatred was generated by racial prejudice.? genuine adj. 真实的,真诚的 genu (birth) +ine This is genuine leather, not an


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