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黑龙江2020届高三最新试题分类汇编:语法填空 1、哈六中2019-2020学年度上学期高三学年第一次调研考试英语试卷 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(每空至多3词)。 Seeing the Great Wall The Great Wall _____76_____(snake) more than 6 000 kilometers. First built to keep out invaders, it is now a popular tourist _____77_____(attract). Badaling is the most famous of the five sections _____78_____ lie near Beijing and can be accessed _____79_____(easy). About two hours away by bus lies Jinshanling. This well-preserved section of the wall has not been repaired since 1570! If you’re looking for a _____80_____(peace) walk and amazing views,this is the spot _____81_____(visit). About six kilometers from Jiayuguan city in Gansu province, you can visit Jiayuguan. It was the starting place for the section of the Great Wall _____82_____(build) during the Ming Dynasty. This pass is the best preserved _____83_____the Great Wall military forts (军事要塞). The eastern end of the Great Wall is Shanhaiguan in Hebei province. The east tower of the Shanhai Pass is called the First Pass Under Heaven. Stand near the tower to see the roaring sea on one side and the Great Wall on the Wherever you choose to visit the Great Wall, you will be _____85_____(amaze). It is like no other structure on Earth. 【答案】76. snakes 77. attraction 78. which/that 79. easily 80. peaceful 81. to visit 82. built 83. of/among 84. other 85. amazed 【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要说明了长城值得参观的景点。 【76题详解】考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:长城蜿蜒6000多公里。此处snake用作动词,意为“蜿蜒前行,迂回前进”;由全文时态为一般现在时可知,此处也用一般现在时;主语The Great Wall为第三人称单数。故填snakes。 【77题详解】考查名词。句意:它最初是为了抵御侵略者而建,现在是一个受欢迎的旅游景点。名词短语tourist attraction“旅游胜地”,故填attraction。 【78题详解】考查定语从句连接词。句意:八达岭是位于北京附近的五个景区中最著名的一个,而且很容易到达。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导定语从句,指代先行词five sections,并在从句中作主语。故填which/that。 【79题详解】考查副词。句意同上。easy是形容词,此处应用其副词形式作状语,修饰动词access。 【80题详解】考查形容词。句意: 如果你在寻找一个可以在那里漫步并拥有迷人景色的地方,那这里就是值得你一游的地点。walk为名词需要形容词修饰,故填peaceful。 【81题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:如果你在寻找一个可以在那里漫步并拥有迷人景色的地方,那这里就是值得你一游的地点。此处用动词不定式作后置定语,修饰前面的名词spot。故填 to visit。 【82题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:它是明朝修建长城的起点。build



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