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第 14 卷 第 2 期 铁道科学与工程学报 Volume 14 Number 2 2017 年 2 月 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering February 2017 动车组轮对压装仿真及参数影响分析 黄堃,商跃进,王红,郑伟 (兰州交通大学 机电工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730070) 摘 要:为了探究装配过盈量,摩擦因数,形状公差,轮轴突悬组装以及注油槽对压装曲线及轮轴接触部位应力的影响规律, 以某型动车组轮对为研究对象,用ABAQUS 软件建立轴对称有限元模型,对轮对压装过程进行仿真。研究结果表明:配合 过盈量以及摩擦因数是确保配合质量达标的关键;轮轴突悬组装、车轮注油槽对接触部位的应力分布有显著影响;选择恰当 的轮轴形状误差组合有利于压装的合格。 关键词:高速动车组;轮对压装;过盈配合;压装曲线 中图分类号:U266.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672−7029(2017)02 −0221 −06 Simulation and parameter influence analysis of the process of wheelset press-fitting for high-speed EMUs HUANG Kun, SHANG Yuejin, WANG Hong, ZHENG Wei (School of Mechatronic Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China) Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of interference, friction coefficient, shape error, protruding assembly, oiling groove on the press-fit curve and stress of contact position, an axisymmetric finite element model was established by ABAQUS to simulate the wheelset press-fitting process of a high-speed EMUs. The result shows that interference and friction coefficient is the key factor to ensure the assembly quality reach the standard; Besides, protruding assembly and oiling groove have significant influence on stress of contact position; appropriate shape error combination of wheel and axle is conducive to a correct press-fitting. Key words: high-speed EMUs; wheelset press-fitting; interference fit; press-fit curve 随着列车运行速度的提高,轮对配合质量作为 快速发展为轮对压装配合的研究提供了便利的途 影响列车运行安全性的主要因素之一变得越来越 径。赵华等[1−3]建立了轮对过盈配合有限元模型, 重要。已有的研究表明,车轴的疲劳强度主要取决 通过仿真计算发现过盈量是影响轮轴配合部位应 于轮轴配合部位的宏观应力分布[1] ;合理的压装参


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