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否定句翻译 全部否定 否定句含believe, consider, expect, fancy, fear, hope, feel, imagine, suppose, think, trust 等表心理活动的动词时, not 通常否定该动词后面的内容 科学家们认为, 计算机不可能在所有领域中都代替人。 Scientists do not believe that computers can replace man in every field. 她觉得她再也不能忍受她丈夫的侮辱。 She doesn’t feel that she can stand her husband’s insult any longer. 我们相信他们是不会反对你的建议的。 I don’t believe that they will oppose your proposal. 汉语否定谓语,英译时否定主语 物质必须运动,否则就没有做功。 Matter must move, or no work is done. 如果没有太阳,什么都不能生存。 Without the sun, nothing could live. 这里周围,无论是苍蝇还是蚊子,一只也找不到。 Not a fly nor a mosquito was found around here. 在这些电路中没有发现任何缺陷。 No defects have been found in these circuits. 谓语否定转移至状语否定 中国在任何时间和任何情况下都不会首先使用核武器。 At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 状语否定转移至谓语 有时孩子们下棋并不全是为了娱乐。 Sometimes the children don’t play chess for amusement. 在含目的状语的否定句中,有时not 并不否定其后的动词,而是否定句中的目的状语。 部分否定 用否定词not 来否定表示全部概念的词, 如: both, all, every (everything, everybody, everywhere) 等。这些词都是表示“所有、每一个、两者都”等概念的, 如果用not 否定这些词就使句子产生了部分否定之义, 表示“不都??”,“并非??都”等 并不是每个人都会喜欢它。 Everybody wouldn’t like it= Not everybody would like it 并非每种疾病都用同样的方法治疗。 Every disease is not cured in the same way. 并非两个建议都被委员会所采纳。 Not both suggestions are accepted by the committee. 不是所有关于她的情况我都知道。 I don’t know everything about her. 在否定句中用连词and 连接两个状语、表语、定语、宾语等时, 也表示部分否定, 否定and 之后的部分。 He is not a bright and diligent boy. 他并不是个既聪明又勤奋的孩子。(聪明但并不勤奋) 延续否定 从前线回来的人说起白求恩,没有一个不佩服,没有一个不为他的精神所感动。 No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Bethune whenever his name was mentioned, and none remained unmoved by his action. 这头大象不像一堵墙,不像长矛,不像蛇,不像树也不像扇子。 The elephant isn’t like a wall or a spear, or a snake, or a tree, neither is he like a fan. 解放前,他是个赶大车的,连自己的生活都难以维持,更不用说养家了。 Before liberation he was a cart-driver who could hardly keep body and soul together, let alone support his family. 那时,我们连电脑都没有,更不用说电子邮件和因特网了。 At that time we didn’t have computers, to say nothing of e-mail and interne


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