一带一路背景下新 疆工业产业发展优势分析(毕业论文).docxVIP

一带一路背景下新 疆工业产业发展优势分析(毕业论文).docx

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PAGE PAGE 16 一带一路背景下新疆工业产业发展优势分析 摘 要   随着国家对“一带一路”战略的不断推进,由于新疆地区是新丝绸之路经济带的核心区域,所以,新疆地区则迎来社会经济发展的良好机遇。但是,由于新疆地区经济发展落后,基础建设、资源利用等水平相对较少,与中亚国家之间的贸易往来也是相对比较单一的,所以,面对新丝绸之路经济带的发展,既是给新疆地区的工业化发展带来了很好的发展机遇,同时也给新疆地区带来了很大的挑战。本文通过对“一带一路”背景下的新疆工业产业发展优势进行分析,其内容主要分为四部分,分别是:第一部分是“一带一路”战略的相关概念;第二部分是“一带一路”战略中新疆工业产业化发展的区位优势;第三部分是“一带一路”背景下新疆工业发展政府的政策扶持优势;第四部分是“一带一路”背景下新疆工业产业化发展面临的机遇和挑战;其研究的目的就是要进一步促使新疆能够得到良好的发展;进一步促使社会经济的快速发展。 关键词;“一带一路”;新疆经济发展;机遇;挑战 Abstract As the state of "The Belt and Road" strategy continues to advance, because Xinjiang is the new Silk Road Economic Zone core area, so a good opportunity for social and economic development will usher in the Xinjiang area. But due to the backward economic development in Xinjiang and lack of infrastructure, and resource utilization levels, and trade between Central Asian countries is relatively single, so in the face of the development of the economic belt of the new silk road is to the Xinjiang industrialization development brought good opportunities for development, but also brings a great challenge to the Xinjiang region. In this paper, through the analysis of Xinjiang's industrial development advantages of The Belt and Road "under the background, the main content is divided into four parts, respectively is: the first part is the related concept of" The Belt and Road "strategy; the second part is" the development of Xinjiang's industrial The Belt and Road "strategy of location advantage; the third part" the government is The Belt and Road Industrial Development in Xinjiang under the background of policy support; the fourth part is "facing the Xinjiang Industrial Industrial Development The Belt and Road" under the background of opportunities and challenges; the purpose of the study is to further promote the Xinjiang can get good development; to further promote the rapid development of social economy. Keywords; "The Belt and Road"; Xinjiang economic development; opportunity; challenge 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 摘 要 I Abstrac


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