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第 44 卷第 11 期 机 械 工 程 学 报 Vol.44 No.11 2008 年 11 月 CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Nov. 2 0 0 8 DOI :10.3901/JME.2008.11.290 双层直斜叶及其组合桨搅拌槽三维流场数值模拟* 梁瑛娜 高殿荣 (燕山大学重型机械流体动力传输与控制河北省重点实验室 秦皇岛 066004) 摘要:采用计算流体力学的方法,对双层六直叶涡轮桨、双层六斜叶涡轮桨以及双层六直斜叶交替涡轮桨搅拌槽流场进行研 究。利用 Laminar 层流模型对其在甘油与水的混合物中产生的流场进行数值计算,得到三种不同结构形式的双层桨以恒转速 200 r/min 在搅拌槽内转动时所产生的流场结构,对比分析轴向、径向和周向的速度矢量图、速度云图以及速度分布曲线,为 层流搅拌槽的设计和实际应用提供了理论依据。 关键词:搅拌槽 双层桨 数值模拟 层流模型 斜叶涡轮桨 中图分类号:TH137 Numerical Simulation of the Three-dimensional Flow Field in Stirred Tank with Double Straight and Inclined Impeller and Its Combination LIANG Yingna GAO Dianrong (Heibei Province Key Laboratory of Heavy Machinery Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004) Abstract :Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is applied to the study of flow field in stirred tank with double layer straight impeller, double layer inclined impeller and double layer straight and inclined impeller combined alternately. The laminar model is employed to simulate the flow field of the stirred tank with the fluid of glycerin mixed with water, and the flow structure in stirred tank with three different double layer impeller rotating at constant speed of 200 r/min is obtained. Comparison analysis is carried out to the axial, radial and tangent velocity vector plots, velocity contours and velocity distribution curves. The research provides the basis for the design and practical application of the stirred tank. Key words :Stirred tank Double layer impeller Numerical simulation Laminar model Inclined turbo-impeller turbine ,DT)和斜叶涡轮桨(Picthed blade turbine, 1 0 前言 PBT)搅拌槽


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