2020版高考英语新素养大二轮专题突破通用版练习:题型组合练(六) .docxVIP

2020版高考英语新素养大二轮专题突破通用版练习:题型组合练(六) .docx

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题型组合练(六) Ⅰ.七选五 Feeding birds is a popular way to watch wildlife.But many bird experts say the experience is often more pleasant to people than to birds. 1 The most common mistake people make is placing their bird feeders incorrectly.They put feeders in places where birds are scared by movements,risk being hurt by cats,or risk flying into windows.Kress,a bird expert,likes the idea of setting up a bird feeder at least one meter away from a window. 2 And,he urges owners of cats to keep them inside the home so they can’t hurt the birds. Learn which birds are common to your neighborhood,so you can avoid feeder wars and understand the social order. 3 They eat a lot and do not leave much food for other birds.An approach is to put the food in more than one place by using different seeds and feeders. 4 Unprotected seeds left too long in feeders will turn poisonous.Refresh your feeders every few days and clean them often with a liquid of 10 percent bleach(漂白剂). Do not feed wild birds anything salty,like potato chips,or food that could choke them,like plain bread.Always try to provide a supply of clean water,but when looking for the right birdbath(鸟浴池),you should be with care. 5 Putting a few large stones in the water can give the birds a place to sit on.For hummingbirds—which are very,very small—put water on large plant leaves to attract them.Hummingbirds like to bathe in leaves. A.Most birdbaths are too deep for birds. B.And it might even put wild birds at risk. C.Some birds are more aggressive at feeders. D.Pay attention to seed quality and freshness. E.Be careful to choose seeds of various kinds. F.So watching birds is perhaps more harmful than people thought. G.That way birds won’t die from hitting the glass if getting frightened. 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了人们在喂鸟活动中可能造成的一些对鸟不利的事情,并给出了较为实用有效的解决办法。 1.答案 B 解析 前一句提到很多鸟类专家说喂鸟对人来说往往比鸟更令人愉快。下段提到了人类喂鸟最常犯的错误。观察各选项可知,B项是最佳答案。 2.答案 G 解析 前一句对投食点的选择提出建议——把鸟食罐放置在距离窗户至少一米远的地方。接下来给出这种建议可以带来的好处,即防止鸟受惊时撞到玻璃死亡。故G项符合语境。 3.答案 C 解析 空后的“



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