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I think the students in our class watch TV most often. Is watching TV every day good for your health? sports show talk show news report cartoon TV play game show … It’s good to relax by using the Internet or watching TV shows. The best way to relax is through exercise. Then many students often use the internet. 15 20 20 45 10 90 13 2 85 2b Read the passage quickly and find the answer to the questions below. How many kinds of free time activities are mentioned in the passage? What are they? __________________________________ 2. What is the best way to relax? __________________________________ Three. The best way to relax is through exercise. Exercise, the use of the Internet and watching TV. 再读文章,回答问题 20 %. 90 %. Every day. They usually watch sports and game shows. The best way to relax is through exercise. (L14) I don’t think they are healthy. Because…. 85 percent of the students always watch TV. 45 percent of the students usually exercise. 10 percent of the students sometimes use the Internet. 13 percent of the students sometimes watch TV. 2 percent of the students sometimes watch TV. 观看饼形图,仿照示例造句 2 3 4 5 再听对话,标出他做这些活动的频度 twice a week four times a week once a month every day 你多久做这些活动?用确切频度副词填表并练习对话 How often do you use the Internet? I use the Internet/… once a week/… . What’s your favorite website? www.….com/... How often do you visit it/…? … /read books /go to the movies /exercise/… /book/movie/sport/… Claire What’s her favorite weekend activity? Next week is quite full for her. =She is busy next week. 2d Read the conversation fast and match the activity with the right time. piano lesson dance lesson play tennis Wednesday and Friday Tuesday Monday 对划线部分提问 用do或does完成问句,并将问答配对 does Do do Does do Do How often do you … … . What do you usually do on weekends … . How often does your … … . What do you usually … … . 用所给单词补全问句,并与伙伴问答 read English books read English newspapers read English magazines What can you do to improve your E


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