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图书馆员能够承担起知识管理的重任吗? Lee Chu Keong 南洋理工大学 简单的回答 当然可以! 需做哪些调整? 转变对于“知识”这一概念的看法 转变对于“安静”这一概念的看法 转变对于“中介”这一概念的看法 图书馆的传统功能 采访: 在预算允许的范围内, 根据读者的需要和采购准则, 选择并购买文献资源 储存: 通过长期储藏和维护, 确保文献资源的可流通性 服务: 通过馆内的参考咨询服务、外借和文献传递等途径推动对文献资源的广泛利用 支持: 通过建立和维护诸如书目查询、在线帮助、图书馆网站等支持系统, … Traditional Role of Libraries Selection: Selecting and acquiring available information in the marketplace, based on user needs and quality standards, within the available budget Storage: maintaining the availability of publications through long-term storage and preservation Service: making the information resources available through facilities and procedures for on-site consultation, lending and document delivery Support: giving the user guidance and assistance, including the development and maintenance of support systems such as catalogues, on-line help systems, websites, … 知识的概念: 观点1 “作为一个客观对象”与 “作为一种过程” 知识的概念: 观点2 作为一个连续体的某一点 知识的概念: 观点3 作为一种有重要意义的发现 信息来源 信息来源 知识来源 知识: 是一种公众的财产 无排他性 无竞争性 ***** 如存在使用的障碍,则存在排他性 如某人的使用影响了别人的使用,则存在竞争性 什么是知识共享? Knowledge sharing “takes place each time you communicate what you are doing, who you are, or what you know to one person or to many people”, and “covers a variety of activities – a talk with a colleague at the coffee pot, an educational situation, a document in a database, an email, an information board with notices, etc.” Petersen & Poulfelt (2002) Knowledge sharing involves networking to become acquainted with what others know. Wiig?(1999) Knowledge sharing is the deliberate act in which knowledge is made reusable for one party through its transfer by another. Lee and Al-Hawamdeh (2002) 小心 … If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it. Jefferson (1813) 知识共享– 对知识管理非常重要


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