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Personal insurance;Concept;Form;3. The subject matter of insurance; (三)保险标的; 4. Insurance liability and liability exemptions; (四)保险责任和责任免除; 5. Term and starting date of coverage; (五)保险期间和保险责任开始时间; 6. The insured amount; (六)保险金额; 7. Insurance premium and the payment method; (七)保险费以及支付办法 ;8. Method for payment of indemnities or insurance benefits; (八)保险金赔偿或者给付办法; 9. Liability for breach of contract and dispute resolution; and (九)违约责任和争议处理; 10. Date of conclusion of contract. (十)订立合同的年、月、日。 ;The proposer and the insurer may agree upon other matters relating to the insurance. 投保人和保险人可以约定与保险有关的其他事项。 ;Personal Insurance Contract 人身保险合同 A beneficiary refers to a person who has been designated by the insured or the insurant to enjoy the right to insurance claims. 受益人是指一个人已经指定被保险人或被保险人享受保险索赔的权利。 The insurant or the insured may be the beneficiary.In appointing beneficiaries ,the insurant shall get the approval of the insured . 投保人或被保险人可以是受益人。在指定受益人,投保人必须经被保险人同意。 If the insured is a person incapable of civil acts or whose capability of civil acts is restricted ,the guardian shall appoint the beneficiaries . 如果被保险人是一个无民事行为能力或限制民事行为能力人,监护人应指定受益人。 ;Personal Insurance Contract Article 31 A proposer shall have an insurable interest in the following persons: 1. him/herself; 2. his/her spouse, children or parents; 3. other family members or close relatives, in addition to those aforementioned, who have a foster, support or maintenance relationship with the proposer; and 4. employees who have an employment relationship with the proposer. ; 第三十一条 投保人对下列人员具有保险利益: (一)本人; (二)配偶、子女、父母; (三)前项以外与投保人有抚养、赡养或者扶养关系的家庭其他成员、近亲属; (四)与投保人有劳动关系的劳动者。; In addition to the circumstances mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the proposer shall be deemed to have an insurable interest in the insured if the insured consents to theconclusion of the contract by the proposer on his/her behalf. 除前款规定外,被保险人同意投保人为其订立合同的,视为投保人



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