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2019-2019学年上学期九年级英语(第14周)组合训练 【完型填空】 Riding a Mobike on the street,you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud.Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan﹣style restaurant.After walking into a store,you see that Huawei smartphones are 1 . But youre not in China﹣﹣youre in Manchester in Britain.In fact,you might see 2  things in many other cities. Chinese products have been 3 worldwide. Chinese food has been enjoyed in western countries for a long time.To 4 local peoples tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the 5 .Unlike Chinese Australian people dont like to eat meat with the bone 6 ,so Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, 7  for fish. Some Chinese brands(品牌)are also becoming more 8 .In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions,Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.And more than half of US﹣owned drones(无人机)are Chinese models.Theyre not simply made in China,but designed and developed in the 9 . In the past,most western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable.But now, things have changed greatly. Made in China becomes cool.More and more people 10 Chinese brands. 1. A. for fun B. at work C.on sale D. in use 2. A. similar B. different C.common D. unusual 3. A. stored B. collected C.received D.accepted 4. A. meet B. copy C.spread D. answer 5. A. kitchens B. drinks C. dishes D. services 6. A.up B.out C.on D. in 7. A. just B. even C.yet D. still 8. A traditional B. expensive C. practical D. popular 9. A. country B. circle C. field D. town 10. A. sell B. trust C.improve D.question 【阅读理解】 A Animals have been used,and sometimes abused(虐待),in movie﹣making since the early days of the industry.However,the American Humane Association has worked for many years to protect animals in films.And,the digital age might make animal actors unnecessary. The new film Dolphin Tale tells about a dolphin that loses her tail because of an injury.A doctor provides her with a man﹣made tail that saves


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