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一.教育类 1.教授知识还是实用技能 赞成教授知识: (1) 那些只强调实用技能和技术、忽视书本功能的人目光短浅。 Those who stress only practical skills and techniques but ignore the function of books are short-sighted. 牢靠掌握书本知识的人比那些没有掌握的人更能调整自己,适应未来的生活。 Those who have a good command over the knowledge provided in the books can adjust themselves and adapt better to the future than those without. 只有催促学生多读、多写、多做练习,才能提高教育。 Only by urging students to read more, write more and do more exercises can education be improved. 赞成教授实用技能: 如果教育只造就了不能把理论用在实践当中的人,那它就是失败的。 Education is nothing but a failure if it only cultivates people who are unable to put theory into practice. 我们应该鼓励学生了解社会,以便他们更能适应真正的生活,而不是只给他们 提供书本知识。 Instead of offering student book knowledge only, we should encourage them to get to know the society so that they could better adapt themselves to real life. (3) 教育是人的自我延伸。它不单单发生在学校,而且是要一辈子来追求的。 Education is a gradual extension of oneself. It not only takes place in school buildings but also requires a life-long pursuit. 2. 赞成:  男女分校 (1) 在同性别的学校里,学生可以集中精力,不会因为早恋而分心。 In schools of the same sex, student could devote themselves fully to the study without distractions by puppy love. (2) 一些诸如性教育之类的敏感课程可以在单性学校里自由地教授。 Some sensitive subjects such as sex education can be taught freely in schools of the same sex. 反对: 3. 赞成: 反对: 4.  (1) 单姓学校不能提供真实的社会环境,所以其学生缺乏对社会的现实准备,他们 成人后将在这个社会中工作。 Single-sex schools fail to provide a read social environment, so students there lack the realistic preparation for the society, in which they will be expected to function when they become adults. (2) 学生需要广泛的交流来增加经验,而不是和异性隔离开来。应该牢记的是任何 违反自然规则的行为都会导致不良后果。 Students are in need of extensive exchanges to get more experiences, instead of being isolated from the opposite sex. What should be remembered is that any action violating the rule of nature will lead to undesirable outcomes. 兼职利弊 (1) 在培养年轻人的独立性的意义上来说,学生兼职是有益的。 In the sense of cultivating young people’s independent spirit, part-time jobs are of great benefits. 兼职经验使学生了解什么是工作,能让他们对未来的工作做好心理准备。 Part


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