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非谓语动词完成句子练习【附答案】 勿容置疑,高考将继续加强对非谓语动词的考查。从近五年考题来看,设 题点已从非谓语作状语一枝独秀,开始向其他考点特别是非谓语作补语发展。 而且试题的特征呈现出情景化和设问角度多样化的趋势。 1. I rushed to the phone at the reception desk, there was no doctor available. (only)  (却被告知) 2. Which do you enjoy (度过你的业余时间), playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park? (spend) This matter is well worth Twenty passengers were killed in the accident, 儿童). (child)  (考虑). (think) (包括三名 5. (根据他的话判断), he did well in his exam. (judge) This is a story This is an article (consist) This is an article Do tell me the ways you think of as soon as possible. (solve) The speech which he made bored a lot of fans to death. (concern) (追溯到)the Tang Dynasty. (date) (由五部分组成)five parts. (由五部分组成)five parts.(make) (解决这个问题) (关于足球比赛的) 11. (就我个人而言), l cannot object to your marriage. (concern) 12. Do you know his difficulty he had 子)at school? (keep) (养活五个孩 13. We looked for the thief everywhere, and at last we found him (躲在木箱里)behind the door. (hide) 14. (没有公共汽车),we had to walk home last night. (be). 15. The bank is reported in the local newspaper in the broad daylight yesterday. (rob)  (被抢了) the tower(从顶上看), our town looks more beautiful. (see) the tower(从顶上看), we find our town more beautiful. (see) the tower(为了看), he drove two hours from a mountainous village. (see) 19. He saw a dirt road 20. With country is slowing down. (go) (满是脚印). (mark) (石油价格上涨), the economy of that 21. When the national flag is being hoisted, all the students stand at attention, their eyes (注视着国旗). (fix) 22. The murderer was brought to court, (双手捆着)at the back. (with) 23. (没收到他的信)him, I decided to write again. (hear) He doesn’t seem to mind (make) The sports meet The sports meet (hold) The sports meet China is a country (belong) (被取笑)by others. (举行)next week is of great importance. (hold) (正在举行)is very important. (上星期举行)is of great importance. (hold) (属于)the Third World. 29. his research(致力于研究), the professor paid little attention to his surroundings. (devote) 30. He is always the first


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