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七下U2读写任务教学设计 广东省教育厅教研室提供 任务一:假设你是Tom,星期六午饭后你正在看报纸上的电视节目预告,请根据节目预告单完成你与父亲Mr Green的对话。 TV shows 3: 00 pm Cook(烹饪)with Mrs Lee 3: 30 pm Childrens Hour 4: 30 pm Cartoon(卡通)Time 5: 00 pm Uncle Toms Story Time 5: 30 pm Sports World 6: 30 pm Game Show 7: 00 pm News and Weather Father: Tom, I want to go to Shanghai tomorrow. But I dont know the weather(天气). Tom: I am reading the newspaper. You can watch TV at (1) . Its News and Weather time. Father: Thank you, Tom. And when is Sports World? I want to watch the football game. Tom: Let me have a look. Oh, its at (2) . Father: Are there any TV shows for children? Tom: Yes. (3) is at 3: 30 pm. Father: How about the cartoons? Tom: Yes, there is also a cartoon at (4) . Father: I think you can watch the cartoon then. Tom: OK. Thanks, dad. And I like Uncle Toms story. Its at 5: 00 pm. And mother can learn cooking(烹饪)on TV, too. Father: When is the cooking show? Tom: Its at 3: 00 pm. Father: Who teaches(教)cooking? Tom: Hmm, its (5) . Father: She is famous(著名的). Ask your mother to watch it. Tom: OK, dad. 任务二:假如你在星期六下午既要完成作业,又要和朋友一起去打篮球,而且还不要错过你喜欢的电视节目,那么你该如何安排这个下午呢?请用英语把你的计划写下来。记住,晚饭时间是7:00。请用上下列词汇:homework,TV,Cartoon Time,Uncle Toms Story Time,basketball,friends,come back home,dinner。 参考答案: 任务一: (1) 7: 00 pm (2) 5: 30 pm (3) Childrens Hour (4) 4: 30 pm (5) Mrs Lee 任务二: On Saturday afternoon, I do my homework at 2: 30 pm. At 4: 30 pm, I watch TV. Its Cartoon Time. I like it very much. After Cartoon Time, its Uncle Toms Story Time. I like it very much. After Cartoon Time, its Uncle Toms Story Time. I like listening to Uncle Tom. Its very interesting. After the TV shows, I play basketball with my friends at 5: 30 pm. I come back home at 6: 30 pm. We have dinner at 7: 00 pm. Then I can watch TV with my parents.


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