Solid Waste Management and Disposal固体废物管理和处置.ppt

Solid Waste Management and Disposal固体废物管理和处置.ppt

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Recycling ? Currently 23% of NA waste is recycled. ? Recycling initiatives have grown rapidly in NA during the past several years. ? Recycling rate, Fig.18.14 Recycling Benefits ? Resource Conservation ? Pollution Reduction ? Example: One Sunday edition of N.Y. times consumes 62,000 trees. Only 20% of NA paper is recycled. ? Example: Crushed glass reduces the energy required to manufacture new glass by 50% Recycling Concerns ? Plastics are recyclable, but technology differs from plastic to plastic. P. 431, close-up . ? Lowest recycling rate. – Industry is researching new technologies. ? Economics are of concern. Unless demand for products keeps pace with growing supply, recycling programs will face an uncertain future. ? Long-term success of recycling programs is also tied to other economic incentives such as taxation and the development of and demand for products manufactured from recycled materials. ? Currently in the US, it is often still cheaper to use virgin material than transport recycled materials. REGULATING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ? Hazardous - EPA defines hazardous materials as having one or more of the following characteristics: – Ignitability (Fire hazard) – Corrosiveness (Corrodes material) – Reactivity (Unstable) – Toxicity (May release toxins) Hazardous versus Toxic Terms are not Interchangeable ? Toxic - Commonly refers to a narrow group of substances that cause human injury or death. ? Hazardous - Broader term - refers to all dangerous materials that create a human health, or environmental problem. Defining Hazardous Waste ? Varies from one country to another ? U.S. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 1976 - Solid Waste Management and Disposal Outline ? Waste Disposal Methods – Landfills, Incineration, Composting ? Source Reduction 源头削减 ? Recycling – Problems and Concerns ? Regulating hazardous materials – Hazardous vs. Toxic – Setting R


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