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指令语 宣布、课堂活动、指令、提起注意作业 ★小学英语课堂用语分类 提问语 请求、问与答 问候语 问候、上课 考勤、下课 反馈语 鼓励、评价、禁止和警告 课前打招呼,课后的告别语。A good beginning makes a good ending.教师主动、友好地同学生打招呼,不仅可以唤起学生的注意力,使其为开始上课作好准备,还可以创造一个平等、和谐、愉快的学习氛围, 以保证课堂教学的顺利进行。每天适时的考勤,能让学生在课堂中的主体地位得到充分的体现,课堂教学结束时教师需向学生宣布,并向学生道别。 一、问候语 A、上课(Beginning a class) B、问候(Greetings) C、考勤(Checking attendance) D、下课 (Dismissing the class) Let’s start now. Let’s begin our class\lesson. Stand up, please. Sit down, please. A、上课(Beginning a class) Hello,boys and girls/children. Good morning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls. Good afternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls. How are you today? Good morning/afternoon, kids. B、问候(Greetings) Whos on duty today? Who’s helping this morning/today? Is everyone/everybody here/present? Is anyone/anybody away/ absent? Whos absent?/Whos away? Where is he/she? Try to be on time./Dont be late next time. Go back to your seat, please. What day is it today? Whats the date today? Whats the weather like today? What’s it like outside? C、考勤(Checking attendance) D、下课 (Dismissing the class) Hand in your workbooks,please. Time is up. The bell is ringing. There’s the bell. There goes the bell. Let’s stop here. That’s all for today. Class is over. Good bye./Bye./See you next time. 指令是教师组织和维系课堂的重要手段,教师指令语的质量在很大程度上影响学生在课堂上的活动,即语言习得。课堂指令应该简洁、清晰,并且和蔼、可亲,避免过于生硬。尽量使用学生能够听得懂的“small words”。有些比较难的可以借助表情手势等加以辅助。 二、指令语 A、宣布(Announcing)  B、课堂活动(Classroom activities) C、指令(Issuing a command) C、提醒注意 (Directing Attention) E、布置作业 (Assigning homework)??? Lets begin/start our lesson. First, lets review/do some review. What did we learn in the last lesson? Who can tell/remember what we did in the last lesson/yesterday? We have some new words / sentences. Now we’re going to do something new/different. Now let’s learn something new. We have some new words/sentences. Let’s start working. A、宣布 (Announcing) Start!/Start now. Everybody together./Al


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