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Qin shi huang The first emperor of China ----Huang Liuqing Profile(人物简介) Political achievement(政治成就) Different remarks 菜单 Really name : Ying zheng Age : 259 BC ---- 210 BC Identity : son of Zhuang xiangwang 223 BC : become the King of Qin 230 BC to 240 BC : wipe out the other six countries 240 BC : become the first emperor of China Outstanding statesman and strategist 返回 The first said the emperor First united, multi-ethnic and absolutistic and centralized country of china I am the greatest man in the world Set the system of prefectures and counties(郡县制)in regions Centralization of Power(中央集权) Set the prime minister(丞相), TaiWei(太尉) and YuShiDaFu(御史大夫)in the central. Expand the territory(开拓疆土) Build the Great Wall Resist the huns Unified metric unit, wordage currency law and so on (统一度量单位、文字、货币、法律等等) 返回 Built his tomb ---- The Terra Cotta Warriors(兵马俑) Someone says Qin shihuang is a topping emperor. In Chinese history, Qin shihuang is the first emperor who has rare gifts and bold strategy He made China become the largest empire in the world. Only a few people can be compared with him in Chinese emperors about his great achievements Someone says Qin shihuang is a brutal emperor. Fen Shu Keng Ru is to destroy many classic books and bury confucian scholars alive. He build luxurious A Pang Gong and Li Shan tomb. What‘s more, for the sake of medicine against death, he sent thousands of people to east sea and so on, which expended a lot of finance and human resources and deepened the peoples miseries.


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