So much to do before we travel中职英语基础模块 第2册Unit 7高教版5.ppt

So much to do before we travel中职英语基础模块 第2册Unit 7高教版5.ppt

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a. while all the other girls are playing. b. before you travel to a new city. c. he has changed his job three times. d. turn off the light and lock the door. e. all the students started to run. B Read and match the clauses. A 1. You should buy a map 2. Once the teacher shouted “go”, 3. Lily is still reading 4. Since Paul graduated from the university, 5. When you leave the room, Complete the dialogue and then act it out. while I am away A: Hi, Johnson, youre looking for a cheap hotel, right? B: Yes. Do you have any suggestions? A: I saw some news about a youth hostel __________ yesterday. I think you may be interested in it. It can save you lots of money. B: Great! Ive wanted to find such a hotel __________. Thank you so much. A: Tell me more about the island __________. B: Sure. But can you take care of my dog __________? A: No problem. A 3 B when you come back 4 C while I was surfing the Internet D since I decided to travel to that island 4 C D 3 B A Discuss and find the best solution. When I get lost, I will ____________________. I will ____________________. I will ____________________. 1. 2. Ill live easier in a foreign country after I ____________________. I ____________________. I ____________________. Discuss and find the best solution. 3. Before traveling with my friends, I ____________________. I ____________________. I ____________________. Vocabulary Practice Complete the chart. bathing suit passport handbag walking shoe credit car plane ticket suitcase cash backpack bathing suit walking shoes credit card cash passport plane ticket suitcase backpack handbag Money Travel documents Luggage Clothing Tick what you like to do during your holiday. When I am on a holiday, I like to ( ) climb a mountain ( ) stay in a tent ( ) stay in a hotel ( ) go window shopping ( ) lie on the beach ( ) visit museums ( ) take photos (


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