Ill have to have my cell phone replaced中职英语基础模块 第3册Unit 4高教版.ppt

Ill have to have my cell phone replaced中职英语基础模块 第3册Unit 4高教版.ppt

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邱燕群 计算机应用 2013 级 珠海市第一中等职业学校 Unit 4 I'll have my watch replaced CONTENTS 1 Students 2 Teaching material 3 Teaching Objective 5 Reflection 4 Teaching procedure Gained basic knowledge active and cooperative Quick-minded easily get bored and unmotivated 1. Analysis of the Students Activities lovers 没有完美的个人 只有完美的团队 雁行理论造就团队凝聚力 团队作战不能出力 个人作战没有能力 2. Analysis of the Teaching Material Basic Module (Book 3) Listening & speaking Unit 4 I will have my watch replaced Unit task: work out a complaint memo Cognitive Objectives( 认知目标): -- to identify and undertsand the words and expressions about complaint; -- to understand the main ideas of the dialogues. 01 Competence Objective (能力目标): be able to make a complaint or express other experience , using the words and expressions learned. 02 Affective Objectives (情感目标): -- to encourage students to deal with complaint professionally; -- to strengthen students' conciousness of cooerpation,competition and professional quality 03 3. Analysis of the Teaching objective Teaching focuses( 教学重点) : -- to learn some useful words and expressions on making a complaint; -- to develop students' listening and speaking competence dealing with complaint. 01 Teaching difficulties (教学难点) : -- how to use IT to motivate the students to get involved in the class activities, maintain their attention in class; -- to finish the acitivity dealing with complaint sucessfully. 02 3. Analysis of the Teaching objective Task-based approach 4. Teaching and Learning Methods Teaching: Learning: Game-playing approach Situational approach communicative approach Independent learning Cooperative learning Team competition 01 02 03 06 05 04 Group work game playing video appreciation summary and evaluation listening practice and jigsaw reading profesional role simulation Pre-class Assignment 5. Teaching Procedures


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