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Type 8694
Electropneumatic position controller
Elektropneumatischer Stellungsregler
Positionneur électropneumatique
Operating Instructions
Manuel d‘utilisation
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice.
Technische ?nderungen vorbehalten. Sous réserve de modifications techniques.
? 2008 - 2009 Bürkert Werke GmbH Co. KG
Operating Instructions 0911/01_EU-ML/ Original DE
Type 8694
Positioner Type 8694
Table ofConTenTs
1. EC DEClaration of Conformity8
2. opErating instruCtions9
2.1. sym bols9
3. authorizED usE 10
3.1. restrictions10
3.2. predictable misuse10
4. BasiC safEty instruCtions11
5. gEnEral information12
5.1. scope of supply12
5.2. Contactaddresses12
5.3. Warranty12
5.4. trademarks13
5.5. inform ation on the internet13
6. systEm DEsCription14
6.1. intended applicationarea14
6.2. function of the positione r and com bination with valve types14
6.3. features of the valve types15
6.4. s truc ture of the positioner16
6.4.1. Representation16
6.4.2. Features17
6.4.3. Function diagram of the positioner with single-acting actuator 18
6.5. type 8694 positionerwith position controller19
6.5.1. Schematic representation of the position control Type 869419
6.5.2. Properties of the position controller software20
6.6. interfaces of the positioner22
Type 8694
7. tEChniCal Data23
7.1. operating Conditions23
7.2. Conformity23
7.3. me c hanic aldata23
7.4. p neumatic data24
7.5. adhesivelabels24
7.5.1. Label (example)24
7.5.2. Identification label of the ignition protection classes 24
7.6. ElectricalData25
7.6.1. Electrical data without bus control 24 V DC25
7.6.2. Electrical data with AS interface bus control25
7.7. f ac tor y settings of th e positioner26
8. Contr ol anD Dis play ElEmEnts 27
8.1. operating status 27
8.2. C ontr oland display elements of th e positioner27
8.3. Configuration of the keys 28
8.4. f unction of the Dip switches 29
8.5. Display of the lEDs 30
8.6. Error messages 31
8.6.1. Error mess