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The five dysfunctions of a Team ? David Barnholdt 2008 Who am I ? ● David Barnholdt ● Tradedoubler ● +46 70 200 52 90 ● Developer, agile ● Consultant & team- member @ Crisp AB coach ● Neonet ● Email ● ● Blogg ● Scrum coach ● SVD ● ● Web ● Developer, TDD coach ● ● Mobile Access Group ? David Barnholdt 2008 TeamWork TeamWork is not a virtue It's a choice ! ? David Barnholdt 2008 Patrick Lencioni One of the ”Ten new gurus you ● should know” - Fortune Magazine President of the Tablegroup ● ● ”The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” and ”Death by Meeting”, copies have sold a combined 2.5 million Clients: McKesson, San Diego ● Chargers, Southwest Airlines Patrick Lencioni ”Teamwork is the most untapped competitive advantage in business” The advantages of teamwork Groups that works as teams makes better ● and faster decisions than non-teams ? David Barnholdt 2008 The five dysfunctions of a Team Dysfunction #1: Absence of trust The Fundamental attribution error; ● W e often attribute other people's negative behaviour to their character and our own negative behaviour to our environment teams that lack trust ● Conceal their weaknesses and mistakes ● Hesitate to ask for help or provide feedback ● Don't offer help to people outside of their own areas of responsibility ● Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of others ● Fail to recognize and tap into one another's skills and experiences ● Waste time and energy managing their behaviors for effect ● Hold grudges ● Find reasons to avoid spending time together ? David Barnholdt 2008 Dysfunction #1: Absence of trust Trust needed for effective teamwork must not based on ability to predict others behaviour but on Vulnerability Dysfunction #1: Absence of trust ● Tools & exercises for overcoming: ● Personal histories exercise ● Behavioural profiling ? David Barnholdt 2008 Dysfunction #2: Fear of conflict Avoid artificial harmony ! ? David Barnh


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